Tag Archives: Recipe

Meat Recipe #8 – Roast Lamb with Seasoned Vegetables

Who doesn’t love a big roast eh?  Well, vegetarians I guess, and people with eating disorders, those in a coma etc… well, lots of people.  But lots more people love a roast, especially in winter!

Be still your beating taste buds

So here is a simple recipe for Roast Lamb with Vegetables that is certain to fill your tum.  All the ingredients will be seasoned in various themes of yummy goodness but I’ve even made that easy too.  Just follow the below instructions below and eat hearty!



  • 1.5kg roasting lamb
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 large carrot
  • Frozen peas
  • Olive oil
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Minced garlic
  • Rosemary
  • Mild Paprika
  • Honey
  • Balsamic Vinegar



  • Peel & quarter the potatoes and the onion
  • Peel the large carrot and cut into sticks
  • Take a mixing bowl and fill the bottom with a mixture of olive oil, salt and pepper
  • Put the oven on to preheat to 180 degrees



  • One by one take each of the ingredients (the lamb, potatoes, carrots & onion) and roll them around in the mixture of oil, salt and pepper. Sit each to one side.
  • Mix up some minced garlic and rosemary and rub generously all over the lamb.
  • Roll potatoes in mild paprika
  • Roll carrots in honey and place in fridge
  • Pour balsamic vinegar in a small bowl and put onions in to soak. Place in fridge.



  • Place lamb in roasting tray that allows circulation of heat all around the lamb. Set timer for 90 minutes.
  • At the 45 minute mark put the potatoes on an oven tray and place in oven
  • At the 60 minute mark put the carrots on a separate tray and place in oven (otherwise all the honey that slides off will contaminate your potatoes and obscure the paprika seasoning)
  • At the 70 minute mark place the onion in next to the potatoes.
  • At the 80 minute mark put some peas on to boil



  • Cut the lamb into nice slices or chunks (depending on your culinary audience) using an electric knife and place on plate.
  • Divvy up the vegetables, providing some butter
  • You can provide gravy if you like, though with all the seasoning it shouldn’t be necessary
  • Enjoy!


And there ya go.  A roast recipe to warm the cockles of you and your families gullets this winter.  Happy eating!

Got your own roast lamb recipe?  Would love to read it in the comments section below!

Meat Recipe #6 – Chimichangas: the easy, healthy and family friendly way

Ah, Chimichangas – the favorite food of Deadpool.  What a chimichanga consists of is essentially an American version of a Mexican recipe.  As in you take a Mexican burrito and then, in that all too common American fashion, you deep fry the hell outta it!


Now that sounds like it’s right up the alley of yours truly, and that it is!  But you read the title – healthy and family friendly.  What’s that you say – ‘You bloody sell out Trev!’? Well the problem of being part of a family is  I never used to get to cook chimichangas as they were too unhealthy for my wife and too spicy for my kids.  So the recipe I’m going to share with you today is the less spicy and healthy (well – not healthy per se – healthier than usual would be more accurate) way to make them.  Plus my version is a lot less hassle!

It’s Chimichanga time!


*1 x Old El Paso burrito kit – low fat version

(should contain 8 small tortillas, cooking seasoning and salsa)

*500gms of extra-lean beef mince.

*1 x 400gm can of Mexican style beans

(these already have the garlic and mild Mexican spices you need in them so don’t drain the can)

*1 x onion

*½ a red capsicum

*½ a green capsicum

*½ a cup of rice

*½ a lettuce

*2 cups of water

*1 cup of grated cheese

*Sour cream

*2 liters of rice bran oil

(has a very high smoke point and makes for low-calorie absorption, making it perfect for healthier deep frying)


Cooking Instructions

Step 1: Prepare your ingredients.  Slice the capsicum and dice the onion.  Put a small amount of the oil in a frying pan and the rest into your deep fryer.  Put the deep fryer on a low heat.  Shred lettuce.  Boil 1 cup of water for rice.

Step 2: Lightly fry mince until pinkness recedes.  Add capsicum, onion, beans, cooking seasoning and 1 cup of water.  Simmer over a low heat, stirring occasionally.

Step 3: Put rice on to boil.  Take shredded lettuce and put down a layer on each plate.  Nuke tortillas.  Turn up deep fryer to high.

Step 4: Spoon mince mix into tortillas.  Roll tortillas up and hold closed with a toothpick.

Step 5: One at a time, deep fry the burritos for about 2 minutes apiece.

Step 6: Take rice off boil and drain.  Put chimichangas on top of lettuce.  Top with cheese, salsa and sour cream.  Add rice to sides of chimichangas.


And there you have it, about the healthiest version of a chimichanga you are likely to ever have! If you want the proper version then you can always throw in some jalapenos, cumin and garlic and replace the Mexican-style beans with refried ones.  Enjoy!


Got a different Chimichanga recipe?  Would love to read it in the comments section below!

Meat Recipe #4 – His and Hers Bangers and Mash

The culinary balancing act – tis a tightrope that any man who does his share of the cooking at home must walk. On the one hand you need to balance the needs of your wife or girlfriend (never invite both to the same meal – it can only lead to disaster) has in regards to dietary requirements against your need to not eat a meal that tastes like a rabbit took a fart in a meadow.  This is not an easy task.

However it is doable.  Today I’m going to give you an example using a very simple dish which you can then apply the principles of to other meals.  Today we will look at  Big Angry Trev’s His & Hers’  Bangers and Mash!


You will need:

*Four sausages

*2 rashers of bacon

*1 egg – duck for preference

*Onion Gravy mix

*Frozen Veggies – peas, corn & carrot

*4 potatoes

*Milk, grated cheddar cheese, butter

*A handful of parsley

*Salt & Pepper

*Cooking oil


Step 1: Boil the water, peel the potatoes and pop them in.  Put the sausages on to fry in first frypan on a very low heat.  Boil the kettle.

Step 2: Put the frozen veggies in a microwave safe container.  Slice bacon rashers in half.  Shred all parsley bar one sprig. Pop gravy mix in mixing jug.

Step 3: Flip sausages.  Put oil in second frypan and put bacon on lowest possible heat.

Step 4: Drain potatoes.  Add milk, butter, shredded parsley, salt, pepper and a handful of grated cheddar cheese.  Mash the hell outta it!  Flip bacon

Step 5: Remove sausages, add in duck egg.  Remove bacon.  Take one dollop of mashed spud and separate from the rest.  Put rest of mashed potato in frypan and crank that sucker up!

Step 6: Mix gravy.  Nuke veggies.   Finish frying egg.



Her Dish


Place small dollop of mashed potato on plate with one sliver of bacon artfully placed in a semi-circle against it.  Place sausage apart from bacon, add the merest hint of onion gravy to the top.  Take frozen vegetables and create an artful semi-circle on far side of plate.  Finish off with a delightful sprig of fresh parsley for effect.  Perhaps even provide a napkin and some subtle instrumental dining music as she partakes of your offering.


Your Dish


Fry the f*ck out of the mashed spud and dump it on ya plate.  Stick the three snags beside it.  Chuck the bacon on the spud and the fried egg on the snags.  Dump all the gravy on.  Stick the veggies in a clump on the side to be eaten so the roughage means you can actually manage to take a shit the next day.  Make sure the TV has the subtitles on so you can read the footy scores from the table while you shovel down ya tucker.


And there you go, a new take on a simple dish that will satisfy both you and your good lady.  Yes, you will die a lot sooner than her of a heart attack, but you will have enjoyed your life a lot more.


Bon appé-f*ckin-tit!


Got a different take on this classic recipe?  Would love to read it in the comments section below!

Meat Recipe #3 – the perfect Pork Crackling!

Pork Crackling.  I’m an atheist by trade but dear Primus if there is a foodstuff that indicates that there may be a higher power at work then it is that!  Bacon, Ham, Pork – bless the humble pig for growing such tasty flesh upon its bones!  Of course it’s not the pigs flesh we are talking about here but the fat.

I’m not a big fat fan as a rule.  I always leave it on when cooking so it helps hold in all those lovely meat juices, but I tend to cut it off more often than not when it comes to eating the meat in question.  But pork crackling is different – it should be its own food group!  Was it not the great Winston Churchil that said  All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope, crackling’ (Historians tend to leave that last word out but many of them are vegetarians – too much time in damp book depositories and not enough exercise so I wouldn’t put it past’em to have cut it on purpose).  And today I am going to share with you the simple yet effective way of getting yourself a good a tasty hunk of this salty pig elixir!

Oh the sordid beauty of it!
Oh the sordid beauty of it!

Step 1: Select a nice piece of pork for roasting, one with a decent carapace of fat on the top.  I usually go for lion roast myself – great for crackling!

Step 2: Score the fat.  Using a serrated knife cut thin gashes through the fat to just the edge of the meat beneath.  How many gashes you cut is up to you.

Step 3: Rub a mixture of sea salt and oil into the fat, making sure you get plenty in the cuts you have scored.

Step 4: Roast the pork for the appropriate time, depending on the cut of meat and size.  Half an hour before the pork is due to be fully cooked remove it from the oven.

Step 5: Use a knife to cut between the pork and the meat and remove the fat in one big piece.   Flip the fat over and on the underside sprinkle some table salt and throw on a small dash of lemon juice.  Return both the roast and the fat to the oven, making sure the fat is underside up.

Step 6: Remove the pork from oven at the appropriate time and check the fat.  It should be solidifying by now and a reddy-brown colour.  You should be able to bend the piece of crackling a little bit but not too much.  Too dry and it will shatter, too moist and you will be eating a piece of salty rubber.  If the crackling appears too moist pop it back in the oven for another 20 minutes, giving it a little spray of oil.

Step 7: Give the crackling a short amount of time to cool – then eat the lot!  If someone tries to take it from you – well you are at the dinner table with all those big knives handy – defend your pork!


And that’s it! – oil, salt and a bit of lemon juice is all you need!  Oh there are plenty of recipes out there that call for garlic or rosemary (much better on lamb than on pork in my opinion) but for crackling where you want to still taste that delicious pork, then keep it simple and don’t overpower it with competing flavors.  Happy eating!


Have a different Pork Crackling recipe?  Share it below for everyone to enjoy!

Meat Recipe #1 – Big Bowl o’ Chickeny Goodness!


Recipe: Big Bowl o’ Chickeny Goodness!

Serves: 1

Impress friends and family with this delicate dish. Maybe even use as the main course during a romantic, candlelit dinner for that special someone whom you hope to make the sparks fly with.

I shall take you all through this slowly, step-by-step, as it’s not the easiest recipe to get the hang of.


Step 1: Obtain 4 large roast chickens

Step 2: Place the chickens in a bowl

Step 3: Eat the chickens