Tag Archives: G1

Transformer Fan Interview – Trent

It’s been a few months since the last installment, but we have another entry in the ever popular Transformer Fan Interviews!  In this latest interview with Aussie TF collectors we are talking to Trent, a good bloke who is always willing to help a mate out with a sought toy, or provide some online sparring to entertain and amuse.


Name and/or nicknames: – Trent


Family? Yes


Career? Tiny cog in the ever churning capitalist machine


How would you rate yourself on a C scale, C10 being MISB Mint perfection, to the lowest C1 ‘junker not worth it even for parts’?  C6 – 99% complete but has significant wear in joints and stickers are faded. It would also appear that there are no reprolabels available for my model.


How would you rate your attraction to Big Angry Trev? With one being ‘very’ to 10 being ‘I purposely shave my head and paint a red dot on top in the hopes Trev mistakes it for a giant breast and lavishes it with his tongue’? – Sorry. I’m not attracted to overcooked lobster.

Editor’s Note: Smarmy arsehole


Fan/Collector since (year)? So, I was thinking about this a few weeks ago. I was trying to figure out when I got my first Transformer. The earliest TF memory I have was of stealing a G1 Hot Rod from the kid that lived across the street. He brought it over to play with and I thought it was so awesome that I hid it under my bed and he went home having forgot about it. My elaborate ruse came undone however when I took it to school and the taxi driver noticed that my shiny new Hot Rod was the same as the shiny new Hot Rod that the kid across the road had lost. So I sadly marched over to his house and proclaimed that I had found it under the lounge! Hooray!! After that I recall a G1 Optimus and Ultra Magnus showing up as well as a Kup. It kinda snowballed from there. I stopped collecting once I hit year 6 or so and agreed to sell all my TFs to assist with some family financial troubles.

I watched a bit of Beast Wars when I was a teenager but it wasn’t until my 20’s when I saw an Armada Starscream in K-Mart that my interest rekindled. I loved that Starscream and still have it today. I collected quite the number of Armada, Cybertron, G1 reissues and so forth but stored them all at my mother-in-law’s place when we bought our first home. It wasn’t until some years later I went back to get them that I realised she threw them all out without even asking me. While at the time I was beyond pissed these days I don’t hold it against her though as they are just things, not people. These days I collect a bit of everything. MP, G1, Generations, Cyberverse, third party, whatever tickles my fancy really.


Transformers Allegiance, if you had one? I suppose it’d be Autobot? Being a Decepticon seems like a lot of effort. Like Megatron would expect you to do things, and not pay you overtime for it. Optimus seems a bit more laid back. Like he’d let you take of early on Friday and would understand if you threw the occasional sicky on a Monday.


Your Techspec motto if you had one? Megatron can kiss my shiny metal @*$!

Editor’s Note: Referencing Whirl referencing Bender?  Very meta.


What existing, official Transformers character best describes you? G1 Outback


Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself? Mirage’s invisibility. Maybe then I could get a minute of peace and quiet.


What drew you to Transformers, making you become a fan/collector? Giant fighting robots that transform. I’m a bit of an engineering nerd. I’m not an engineer, because that would be a horrible job. But cool engineering of any kind fascinates me and I have a very logical brain. So I view them as a sort of 3D puzzle.


Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die? I ask myself this a lot. I’ve been through enough up and down collecting phases that I’m not too bothered when I get a bit bored with the franchise. In fact I’m probably not at my most interested right now. I have a ton of unopened TFs and my displays are in a bit of disarray. However I know I’ll come back around. And my son is obsessed with TFs and playing games with him is seriously one of the highlights of my life. But will there be a time to get out of the hobby? I’m not one who sees this hobby as an investment. If you think you’re gonna cash out of this hobby ahead or even anywhere near equal are you need to go speak to a financial advisor and prepare yourself for a shock.  But that’s not why I do it. I buy them because I think they’re really neat. And as long as I enjoy them, then I’ll keep them. I think my son will happily take my collection when I die and that would be the best possible outcome for me. As it is he’s become somewhat of a TF collector himself and the grand old age of 6. He’s particularly into toy photography and he’s not bad at it. I’ve added a few of his photos for a bit of fun.

The kids got talent!


Do people outside of the hobby know you collect TFs (like at work/school)? Maybe 6 people at work know. I don’t advertise it. I work in a blue collar industry and while I don’t care what other people think of me, I also don’t see the point of making my life harder than it has to be. Because while some of my colleagues are great people, they’re old school and if they found out I collected toys, there’d be no malice in it, but I’d literally hear about it every single work day until they all retired or I left because I work with some BIG personalities.


Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends? Family aren’t worth squat if you have to hide who you are from them. My dad kinda rolls his eyes and grumbles at the money I sometimes spend but he’s cool. My mum usually notices when I add new ones to my displays and asks me about them. My brothers are cool too.

Editors Note: I get the feeling Trent’s son approves of his hobby as well


What does your partner think of your hobby? My wife is the most awesome person ever. I couldn’t ask for a more supportive partner even though she’s not into any of my “Nerd Stuff” as she calls it. She bought me that Armada Starscream all those years ago and more recently, when I was worried about the cost, told me if I didn’t preorder the HasLab Unicron, she’d do it herself. I sometimes feel really bad because she doesn’t collect anything. So I make sure when something does catch her eye, she gets it.


Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions? Been to lots of Paramatta Toy Fairsover the years. I don’t live in Sydney so it’s always a bit of a hike for me to get to these things. Been to a few Penrith fairs but my god! I don’t go that far on holiday so I only went to them on occasion. And now with COVID canning everything I haven’t seen anyone all year. I do have a chat group with a few fellow TF collectors and that has actually grown into solid friendships with all of them so that is great. We are always there to chat with one another and they have helped me through a few rough times, if only by making me laugh.

Editor’s Note: Back atcha buddy 


Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)? I did draw an Optimus Prime the other day. We had a new appliance delivered and my son wanted the box to turn into an art space. I’d just like to let IDW know that I am available and that I’m sure we can work out a mutually agreeable fee.


Favourite series/era/year, and why? The default answer is G1. I grew up with it, it’s what started it all and it still permeates every part of the franchise to this day. But to leave that as my answer would be a disservice to the franchise. I think there are so many good stories and toys that the franchise has put out over it’s life that they need a mention. Animated would be the one that comes to the forefront of my mind. It was so divisive when it came out. The new aesthetic and take of the story was a radical departure from what had come before and even I didn’t like it at first. But it grew on me and now my animated figures are a highlight of my collection.

And as a subgroup, even though it is G1, I can’t not mention Micromasters. Any TF fans with kids will know what I’m talking about. They are just so much fun and so easy. Once you add in the big sets like Skystalker or Countdown, maybe throw in a G1 Fort Max as a base and watch your kids play, or even play with them, you really have distilled the whole franchise down into its purest form.


Collect any comics? I collect the collected IDW editions. I’m about 5 years behind but slowly catching up. On my ipad I have read up until around the time that Megatron defeats the DJD and just haven’t had the time to go back to them to finish them, but I will.


Favourite Comic issue/story, and why? I love Autobot Megatron in MTMTE. The idea of a reformed genocidal maniac responsible for the deaths of billions of beings across the galaxy getting stuck on a ship sharing command with an egotistical brat, an almost OCD second-in-command and a crew of clowns on a quest is a marvellous concept. The way James Robert’s was able to set the light, humorous tone but also incorporate moments in which the gravity of who Megatron was and what he had done was fully realised by the reader was great writing.


Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why? I, like everyone else, was always partial to Call of the Primatives. I wish the whole series could have been animated to that level.


Favourite Character, and why? My favourite character has always been Ultra Magnus. I have a strong suspicion that the G1 UM was the first TF I ever got. And I loved it. I remember playing with it and taking it everywhere. I even kept it in its box.

You can imagine my disappointment then when nearly every iteration of Magnus throughout the franchise has been, in my opinion, a chump. G1 Magnus was this hulking, powerful bot yet hardly ever did anything of value. Animated UM was an arrogant tool, only outdone by Jerky McJerkface himself. The original Marvel run saw him have a very cool story however it eventually led to a very unsatisfying end. IDW MTMTE was good and his latest iteration, the Netflix Siege version, had a decent ark I suppose but still didn’t live anywhere near up to the expectations 5 year old me had.

I’ve always wanted to see Magnus as a more measured, logical and restrained version of Grimlock. A powerhouse that could unleash hell when he needed to but was always conscious of the fallout and collateral damage that doing so would cause.


Sexiest Transformers (robot) Character? Rung. Because I’m sure there’s fan fiction about that alt-mode…


Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real? Sky Lynx. Because Sky Lynx is awesome and anyone who disagrees can bugger off.


Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, etc): 200-300? My collection has always been this evolving thing. But it’s starting to climb in numbers. Especially now my son is kinda a young collector.

I think our sons would get along real swell


Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector? Open them. Let your kids play with them. Otherwise you’re just like The Man Upstairs in The Lego Movie.


How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit? Lots.


Any rare/expensive figures in your collection? A few. It’s not why I collect plus I’m also terrible at picking what will go up in value. In fact if I ever buy a TF because I think it’s going to be rare/worth something, just hold off until it’s on clearance for $10.


What interesting Licensed Merchandise items do you have? None that I can think of. I like commissioning comic artists but haven’t gone nuts with that. I got this earlier this year as a group by a friend organised. It’s wonderful.


First Transformers toy? G1 Ultra Magnus (I think)


One toy you most want? MISB G1 Ultra Magnus. I’d love to have a pristine example of the toy that started it all for me.

Editor’s Note: Wow – you are really into Magnus eh! Remind you to show you my one from the Titanium toyline 😉


The centrepiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)? Not a toy but that megaposter I mentioned earlier. Every time I take a moment to stare at it I notice something new.


Favourite toy in your early years of collecting? So as to give a different answer, I’ll say my G1 Galvatron. That was a cool toy.


Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion? Those things from the last year or two that only half transform. I can’t even….

Editors note: I agree!  Those figures from Cyberverse that don’t transform fully are total shite!


Toy(s) that were most disappointing when you got them? The recent Earthrise Quintesson when I got it was disappointing. I mean it looks great, until you transform it into that jail thing and then it’s like, what is even going on here?


Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertable Transformers toys? Gimmicks can be successfully integrated, they can also ruin a toy. MP-44 is an example of a toy that had a gimmick successfully integrated.


Which single TFs toy should every fan own? I suppose a G1 Optimus. It’s not the first, but it is a defining toy that is still being released today.


Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present? I mean, I wouldn’t. But maybe a Chromedome/Rewind cake topper?


Do you collect other toys? Lego sets that catch my eye. I have a UCS Millennium Falcon sitting in the bottom of my wardrobe to be built when I eventually get a house with somewhere to put it. As well as some other cool sets. I still have a few classic space sets from when I was a kid.

I also collect Macross Valkyries. Although I don’t get anywhere near as many of those as they aren’t cheap. I also just realized you could probably call me a Voltron collector.


What is your favourite TF themed post on this website? What website? Does Trev have a website? I never even suspected.

Editor’s note: Double Smarmy arsehole


How did you find out about www.bigangrytrev.com ? Trev never shuts up about it.

Editor’s note: Fricken Triple-smarmy arsehole!


Many thanks to Trent for this interview (I think) .  Got any more questions for Trent?  Pop them in the comments section below and I’m sure he’ll happily answer them.

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Fan Interview: Steve

Fan Interview: Lisamaree



How 20 Years of being an Adult Collector began

This month – January 2021 – marks 20 years of me being an adult collector of Transformers.

It also marks the 20 year anniversary of my first (very short lived) marriage.  And the two are not unconnected.


As a kid we didn’t have a great deal of money, though I never went without a roof over my head or food in my belly so we did OK.  I’d get a few transformers each year with my bit of pocket money I earned mowing the lawns at home or turning in rabbit skins when visiting my dad.  And I sometimes got a Transformer for a birthday or Christmas as well.

My collection circa 1987

In my teens G1 was coming to an end.  However this was also the time that my mother began running a small Toys & Gifts shop.  This meant that I could get my Transformers wholesale!  It was also the time of reissues so as well as being able to purchase Micromasters and Action Masters at cost, I was also able to grab the Combaticons, Arielbots, Protectobots and even a few bigger figures like some Dinobots & Autobot Cars.  Yes sir, it was a golden time.

Primus bless reissues!

Sadly I strayed in my late teens as so many young men do.  G2 didn’t hold much appeal for me and suddenly beer and girls were very interesting.  So my collection, which at the time equalled 1 gross – 144 figures (if you counted individual bots such as Micromasters and Target Masters) – was put away in a box and did not see the light of day for many years.

I never stopped loving Transformers, even when I moved to Melbourne to go to Uni.  But once again partying, friends and girls seemed somehow more important.  I hated Beast Wars (I appreciate it now but back then thought it was an abomination) and sometimes my mates used to get me liquored up and goad me into a ‘trukk not munkey’ rant.  To be honest to this day organic alt-modes still do little for me.  So Transformers stayed waaaaay in the background of my existence.


Now comes January 2001


I got married.  Stupidly.  It was partly as I’d always been too lazy and cowardly to break up with the girl and partly because she had a balcony you could do Shakespeare from (I was young, shallow and dumb OK – a large chest seemed more important than a pleasant personality!).  A couple of dear friends of mine were filming the wedding for us and asked what present we would like.  I replied filming was more than gift enough.  When they persisted I said jokingly ‘Get me a G1 Optimus Prime’.

Well the night of the wedding we are unwrapping gifts.  I’m trying to stifle my boredom as they are mainly ‘grown-ups’ gifts like linen and breakfast trays (once again – I was 23 and immature).  Then I unwrapped the gifts from Tammy & Michael.

And there… lo…. was a loose GENERATION ONE OPTIMUS PRIME!!!

Me on honeymoon with Optimus Prime. I swear he got more action than I did

There was also a Wreck-Gar (whom I already had but now they could ride each other!) and a Chop Shop.  I squealed like an excited schoolgirl! For me it was the highlight of the night!


And thus after nearly a decade away, I came back to Transformer collecting.  I discovered eBay and found so many G1 toys that my ranks quickly swelled.  With a new career I had more money, and from big toys like Omega Supreme, Metroplex, Sky Lynx & Trypticon, to smaller figures like the Throttlebots, those G1 gaps were filling fast!

7 months into the marriage it ended.  Shan’t go into details but let’s just say my ex worked in education and I discovered she was doing some very ‘private tuition’ with one of her teen students and leave it at that.  So the marriage died which in the long run was one of the best things that could have ever happened to me; I ended up moving in coincidentally with the friends who had given me Optimus.  But though my marriage was dead, my love for Transformers was thriving!  I continued to buy G1 stuff online, and the new Robots in Disguise toys hit the shelves in Australia, bringing back all the concepts I loved like vehicular transformers and combiners.

My G1-cartoon cast in the early 2000’s

My collecting has continued ever since. By the end of 2001 my collection, which had stagnated at a count of 144, was over two hundred and I had no inclination to just how far it would end up going!  I’ve continued amassing Transformers right through all the cartoons from Armada to Cyberverse, throughout all the live-action movies and especially the G1-inspired toylines such as Generations, right up to the latest Earthrise figures.  I’ve travelled many parts of the globe and brought back figures you couldn’t find in Australia.   I got married again 12 years ago but this time it was for all the right reasons and I couldn’t imagine loving my wife more. If I’m 100% honest the fact that she is so tolerant of my hobby makes up a small part of that (only a small part, there are a plethora of wonderful things about her to love!).  And my kids love to play Transformers with their Dad!

They even have their own playtables set up – bless their hearts

Now 20 years on I’m sitting at around the 3500 figures mark along with about another thousand pieces of TF merchandise, have my own Transformatorium shed and indeed this blog where I often share my love of the hobby.  So I’m a pretty damn lucky guy!

“Who says I have an obsession?!”


I can’t even remember the exact day in January 2001 I got married on, but I damn sure remember getting that G1 Optimus Prime.


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Toy Review – EX-01 Nicee


I find it hard to resist buying an Arcee figure.  As a multiverse collector this is the case with a lot of G1-originated characters for me, but there are characters that I nearly always get and Arcee is one of them.

   Why?  Not sure.  Maybe because she was such a well known character from the 1986 movie, as well as Seasons 3 & 4 of the G1 cartoon but never got a toy of her own.  I had to wait until I was in my 20’s before I got my first representation of her as a statue bust.  But since then I’ve gotten her in so many lines – Alternators, Energon, Prime, Animated, Thrilling 30, Q and most recently Cyberverse and Earthrise.  Heck, I even have her in Mouse Pad form!  However none of these figures ever really captured Arcee for me and how cool she is, especially her vehicle form.


Arcee is getting the Masterpiece treatment as we speak and that figure is due to be released soon.  But in the meantime I did something I almost never do.  Despite having about 3500 Transformer figures in my collection, you could count the amount of 3rdparty figures I own on one hand.  Given some of the complaints about the aesthetic of the new MP Arcee coming out, I decided to shell out and purchase a 3P figure of her where the aesthetic goes in the opposite direction.  So lets take a look at EX-01 Arcee NICEE from BIGFIREBIRDTOY.

The packaging wont win design awards for subtlety…
…but then neither will the toy inside


Robot Mode

“Hi everyone! I’m the toy your girlfriend probably hates”



An incredibly stylized version of Arcee Nicee.  Considering the popularity of the differently styled aesthetic of Animated, I’ve never really understood why Transformers would not try for a Japanese influenced Anime theme.  This figure is extremely anime in its aesthetics, from the long slim limbs to the quasi-angelic wings and armour that almost appears to be a battle bikini.  It really is a fantastic looking figure.  Before we go further however, lets address the elephants in the room…

“What? These? My lovely lady lumps?”

 Let’s get this out of the way.  Yes she has boobs.  Her armour is specifically shaped to enhance this.    There is no getting away from it and given the picture on the front of her box it seems that this is supposed to be a big selling point for Arcee Nicee.  Now I totally get this kind of thing not being everyone’s cup of tea.  Completely understandable.  But here’s the great thing….

…. If you don’t like it you don’t have to buy it.  Lucky you! 

“Lets all just get along eh mate!”



Interchangeable Body Parts

Nicee comes with two heads, two chests and 8 hands (4 left and 4 right).  The reason for so many hands is each one is designed to hold a different weapon, be it blunt or ranged.  They look rather skeletal and kinda freaky to be honest.  The chests are completely identical except one is white and the other is shiny white.  The heads are slightly different to each other, in particular the face.  For those of you who don’t like Arcee Nicee having metal hair, you can remove it.  This is one of the instances where the figure lets me down – I wanted her to have a head more in keeping with her usual look, and while removing the hair allows this, it also leaves a big gap above her forehead which ruins the effect.  So if you are not a hair fan too bad – better a bob than a hole in the head I guess.



The figure has really good tight joints and multiple points of articulation.  She is able to be put into all manner of poses and stances, balances fairly well and possesses good flexibility.

“4 million years old and not a touch of arthritis!”


Vehicle Form

How friggin sexy does this look!  As I’ve mentioned I don’t usually buy 3P figures but if they are all like this then I understand why people do.  Nicee puts every Arcee figure in my collection to shame.  The aesthetics are just wonderful; the sleek lines and subtle curves interspersed with straight lines really make this a beautiful alien car to behold. 

The paint job is very high quality and the bright translucent blue used for the windscreen, headlights and taillights ad a nice counterbalance to all the pink and white.  There are all sorts of little details that add to the beauty of this figure, in particular I like the steering dash and moulded seats.





Nicee comes with multiple weapons including spear, sword, pistol and shield.  Also you are able to remove her backpack and combine it with the spear into a sort of energy bow.  Given her ability to be put into all manner of poses this sets you up for some great battle shots!




The transformation is fairly straight forward and the instructions make it look more complicated than it actually is.  In fact it is sorta reminiscent of Thrilling 30 Arcee.  The shield becomes the top of the vehicle but this is no way means she is a simple partsformer.  My only two gripes would be that if you don’t position the high heels just right they can impede the front wheels rolling in vehicle mode, and that there are lots of little tabs that need to go together – often when you are tightening one another pops out of place.  However a good transformation on the whole.  You may find it convenient to take her hands off when putting her in vehicle form.


Worth Getting?

This on the whole is actually a pretty great figure, and given how expensive 3P items are the price tag is fairly acceptable.  But what is going to be the deciding factor for people here isn’t going to be the articulation or transformation or plastic quality – it’s going to be the aesthetic.  Some people are going to think this figure looks great, some are going to think it’s an abomination.  So if the idea of an anime styled transformer appeals to you then you are going to love Nicee.  If the idea of transformers being sexualized in any fashion is enough to send you on a month long twitter tirade then steer well clear.  Just remember no matter what side of the fence you fall on, don’t hate on the other side – just be…. Nicee





Got something to say about this figure?  Pop it in the comments section below!

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Transformer Fan Interview – Steve

It’s been a while but we welcome the return of the very popular Transformer Fan Interviews!  In this latest interview with Aussie TF collectors we are talking to Steve, a great bloke I was privileged to meet at a Collectormania Toy Fair  and who, like me, was an avid Transformers TCG player.  So lets chat to this fine fellow and avid collector of all things Cybertronian.


Name and/or nicknames:

Wattsy, Sharky – do you need a background story??


Married with 2 little Sharkticons


Retired Commercial Electrician now work in the Engineering Space for Transport Infrastructure


How would you rate yourself on a C scale, C10 being MISB Mint perfection, to the lowest C1 ‘junker not worth it even for parts’?

C3.. not quite a full blown junker but working myself there with heavy wear.


 How would you rate your attraction to Big Angry Trev? With one being ‘very’ to 10 being ‘I even send him Action Masters in the hope I get an extremely physical and rough thanking’?

This has to be 10 by default, right?? I mean I sent the Action Master… I’m just waiting for the Rough and Physical Thanking – but we are responsible adults mostly and under current circumstances (its 2020 people in case your reading a “retro revisited blogedy vlog blobTM” fifty years from now) we maintain that social distancing!!!

Editors Note: I could thank you while we both wear HazMat suits maybe?

Fan/Collector since (year)?

Since it began in 84


Transformers Allegiance, if you had one?



Your Techspec motto if you had one?

‘If it is to be it is up to me’

 What existing, official Transformers character best describes you?

Ratchet – always fixing other people shit

Which special ability of any Transformers character would you want to have for yourself?

Skywarps Vorping….

What drew you to Transformers, making you become a fan/collector?

That original opening sequence when prime is rolling along and then transforms and then the 3 jets fly in and turn into robots… first time I saw it, it was soo awesome…. Still is. The concept of a vehicle and a robot in one toy Brilliant!!!

Do you think you will collect Transformers until you die?

No, I seriously think I will “retire” at the conclusion of the War for Cybertron Trilogy and Unicron when it arrives… but like any professional athlete that retires, they will still stroll out for a game or two and I am sure there will be a few bots picked up along the way

Do people outside of the hobby know you collect TFs (like at work/school)?

Yeah, they do, most think it is cool but I also don’t care, I don’t collect for them!!

Were your family/parents supportive of collecting toys or did you have to hide your passion from them and friends?

I did not hide it – not sure if it was fully supported but they never were negative to me about it.


 What does your partner think of your hobby?

Ill ask her. – “He has more toys then our kids…..”


Have you attended any fan-meets, Fairs, Conventions?

Yes. Yes and yes, many moons ago when those sorts of things where considers normal.. well normal in the nerdy/geeky/popculturey way anyway.


Any creative endeavours with Transformers (drawing, writing, customising, etc)?

Nah nothing like that at all, not creative at all…


Favourite series/era/year, and why?

Always G1 cause that’s what I grew up on, but Animated was outstanding the cartoon style and the way the toys could maintain that aesthetic and still function was outstanding


Collect any comics?

Too many…..

Favourite Comic issue/story, and why?

Transformers or in general???

Transformers my favourite arcs where from the old UK Issues, City of Fear and Space Pirates in other franchises Marvels Annihilation event was brilliant and always gets a reread

Favourite Cartoon episode/story, and why?

To many to name one I think, there is always a great episode from every series, but I think call of the primitives from G1 is always a favourite or Grimmy new brain, or Starscream’s ghost if I had to pick a handful…. And can’t remember the episode names from Animated or prime…..

Favourite Character, and why?

Sludge – just because I love the big bastard of a Dinobot, Ratchet would be a close 2nd

Sexiest Transformers (robot) Character?


Which Transformers character would you want to exist for real?


Approx TFs toy collection count (or give a range like 200s, 300s, etc):

Lots and lots and lots under the cosmic unified numbering technique system…. There was an acronym, but I’m not allowed to use it.

But over a thousand


Sealed collector or out-of-packaging collector?

Yes mostly the ones that are sealed are really, really old or I don’t have time to open them yet.


How much do you think you’ve spent on your collecting habit?

That I would love to and not ever know the answer too

Any rare/expensive figures in your collection?

Probably, but I don’t keep track of those sorts of things

What interesting Licensed Merchandise items do you have?

Nothing that is out of the ordinary, I have a chunk of Ironhide’s Tyre from Dark of the moon, Leonard Nimoy’s Autographs as Sentinel prime, and a bunch of the 1st movie actor scribbled their name on a poster

Editors note: Nice!

First Transformers toy?

Optimus Prime

One toy you most want?

Optimus prime, still sealed in that original g1 box

The centrepiece/favourite toy in your collection at the moment (and why)?

I don’t really have a centrepiece my collection is all over the place between storage and display, but my First year G1 is always my fave!

Favourite toy in your early years of collecting?

G1 Highbrow when I got this guy he was my first “futuristic” styled transformer and I loved the headmaster concept and the  figure.

Worst toy(s) ever in your opinion?

So many from Armada…..

Toy(s) that were most disappointing when you got them?

So So So Many from Armada…


Thoughts on gimmick and non-convertible Transformers toys?

Remember when a car that transformed into a robot was a gimmick…..i think gimmicks are cool they need to freshen up every now and then otherwise we just keep getting Optimus Prime,  Bumblebee, Megatron, and Starscream over and over again……

Also Non transforming Stuff… Love it… I would love a super articulated action figure if it didn’t transform, screen accurate highly detailed Action Masters!! Also Statues I have wayyy to many but love it , Transformers are a brand and we can enjoy that brand on anything we desire, shoes, underwear, hats, non transforming action figures, bobble heads the possibilities are limitless and if you enjoy it who cares if it doesn’t transform!!!


Which single TFs toy should every fan own?

I would say it would have to be Optimus Prime, I will allow modern versions of the Autobot leader but the G1 is such a classic iconic toy that it should be apart of anyone’s collection.

Which Transformers toy/product would you give as a wedding present?

It would depend on the person getting married I would tailor the gift to the person somehow, like an action master in a custom tuxedo. on a side note my wife gave me a Movie Bumblebee with an engraving on his rear window with “Just Married” for our wedding day, sits proudly in my cabinet (only transformer my wife has ever bought me).


Do you collect other toys?

Yes amongst other things too,..would you like to know more?????

I have a heathy collection of Guardian of the Galaxy figures and POP!s, Trading Cards from Movies and Sports, other sports and movie/tv memorabilia, I like to chase autographs from actors of my favourite shows. Comic Books


 What is your favourite TF themed post on this website?

There are so many good entertaining posts, I have enjoyed watching the transformatroium grow the toy reviews are good because its just a “this is how it is approach but some of the most entertaining ones would be the ones not about transformers (*GASP*) the Tales of the Trev stories or the hot sauce reviews. (pssst hey You, you out there reading this. Don’t limit yourself to just reading about transformers there is entertainment value all over the dark little corner of Trev’s blog)

Editors Note: Best response to this question EVER!

How did you find out about www.bigangrytrev.com ?

I remember in the golden age of message boards Trev Posted a thread up about his blog.. Check it Out he wrote. (sounds like a good name for a show….) so I did…


Questions from other Fans:

Stu  (via Twittah)

With so many great teams in the NRL why on Earth would you be a Sharky’s fan?

Way back in that magical time called the 80’s I spent those early years living around Bankstown my Parents Supported the Bulldogs My Grandparents Supported the Bulldogs and Souths my Uncle Parramatta, but me a young and impressionable kid just loved the way this teenager at fullback of the Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks played the game. Andrew Ettingshausen was the reason I started following the club, I had no allegiances or commitment prior to then and I followed the club ever since!


Dallas  (via Twittah)

Do you have collecting Goal? You have a Spectacular Display Space; how do you plan to collect as it fills up?

 Since the Sharkticons and life the collecting has slowly reduced, I don’t really have a collecting goal I pick up things that I like, my main goal I guess would be getting the majority of my collection actually out on display not just sitting around waiting to be set up. Its just finding that elusive time to do it.  I mentioned a bit earlier in that I am entertaining the idea of retirement, collecting as it fills up will probably be focused around on how or if it will it display better, and maybe going back and replacing a few existing pieces or retro-filling gaps in some of the older lines I missed over adding more and more new stuff.

 What’s your favourite non g1 series?

 That would be Animated, the shift in animation style and aesthetic was refreshing, the cartoon was fun and the toys able to match that styling mad them a fun series to pick up

 Did Beast Wars/Machines really save transformers?

 This is a tricky one, and I am going to say no it didn’t, you see the end of “g1” came about when 98.35% of the target audience grew up and was venturing into the world of Highschool and hormones so the interest petered out. But the younger siblings or newer families where coming of age, and I always feel toys follow a cycle, introduced – evolve – die off and then they a refreshed every 6-7 years years for the newer generation going through a fresh “jumping on point” so it was fresh imaginations and a resupply of young children that saved transformers, beast wars was just the gimmick of the time….  Much like how nostalgia now has parents buying care bears and MLP and MOTU and Strawberry Shortcakes for their children now.

 Why hasn’t (named redacted) blocked you yet?

 That’s a question you should ask him yourself…wait….you cant….


Michael  (via Twittah)

I’m increasingly curious about people’s social media interactions, especially in regard to TFs – maintaining them, where they go and why?

 Once upon a time I used to frequent the big American and Australian TF message boards but they became a tedious chore full of elitists nobodies which made them an unenjoyable place to go, then I joined (and in some cases left) facebook groups these suffer from a lot of the same negatives as message boards. These days I am on twitter where I can get the “news” and a part of a few small group chats of fellow collectors where we can just bounce stuff off each other, I also frequent/read a few odd blogs that people post random stuff up for entertainment, and I am pretty happy about that, I guess when it comes down to it, it is just easier to have a quick scroll through a twitter feed then to navigate the depths of message boards.


Hursticon (via Twittah)

Which do you derive more enjoyment from – toy or trading card collecting and what differences between the two worlds or fandoms keep you maintaining the two?

 I wouldn’t say I get more enjoyment out of one or the other, but They are two different worlds, transformers you know what you get, chunk of plastic in a cardboard box that shifts and folds, Trading Cards, I guess is it is like gambling, hit that signature or short print card or that elusive 1of1 and it bring excitement and joy, it’s the combination of all things that I enjoy, sort through some card board or transform some figures, both are forms of relaxation, but like anything you need to find a balance, you cant get everything, and you have to accept that, and never spend beyond you means…. It would be awesome to own that Michael Jordan Rookie card or that MISB G1 Fortress Maximus but also I rather like eating and doing things with my family!!


Kenan (via Faceybook)

Biggest case of buyers remorse?

 Not really one to be too remorseful about purchases but there were a lot of transformers from armada I could of really done without, but if we are talking other things it would have been maybe a case of 2018 NRL elite, where all I hit where shite cards or my youngest daughters bunk bed, that was a nightmare of thing to make every day.


Thank you so much to Steve for doing this fantastic interview!  If you have any other questions for him please pop them in the comments section below and I’m sure he will do his best to answer them.


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Fan Interview – Con

Fan Interview – Santa Claus

Toy Review – WFC Earthrise Quintesson Judge

How long have we been waiting for an official G1 Quintesson toy?  The time seems immeasurable…

… well, not really.  Thirty four years.  34 damn years since Transformer fans first saw those 5-faced tentacles monstrosities passing judgement on Lithone and Cybertronian alike, having their victims thrown into the Sharkticon tank.  And we’ve wanted a toy ever since!

The Quintessons have had a varied history in Transformers lore depending on the source.  In the G1 cartoon they were the creators of the Transformer race, having been rousted from Cybertron when their creations rebelled.  In the Aligned continuity they were cousins of the Transformers – the children of Quintus, one of the first 13 Primes.  Most fans these days tend to lean towards the latter.

We’ve had a few Quintesson toys in other Transformers continuities.  In the Energon cartoon we got an Alpha Quintesson figure and in the Movieverse we got a tiny Quintessa toy that came with her combiner bodyguard Infernocus.  Earlier year in Cyberverse we finally got a non-transforming Quintesson Judge, albeit based on the Cyberverse design rather than G1.

But now we finally have what we have been waiting for – and it even transforms!  Geewunners put your drool-bibs on as we look at the Earthrise Quintesson Judge.


Judge Mode

A thing of friggin beauty!  Beautifully proportioned and G1 through and through.  They simply got everything right, from the tentacles to the light beam to the five faces of darkness.  You can see each face by pushing a small handle on the side of the figure which makes it spin – so cool!






He has slight articulation via being able to position the tentacles and open and close some of the mouths.  And admittedly there isn’t much else you can do with it after that besides make it spin.  He can sit in a chair to pass judgement…

Everyone likes a sit down, even those without arses

From my cold dead mechanical tentacles!

… and he can hold his pistol.

But overall the Judge looks great and it would be difficult to pass for any rabid fan of the 1986 movie.


Prison Mode

Well you get those that complain when a ‘Transformer branded toy doesn’t transform’ so I guess they had to put a transformation in.  Admittedly the chosen altmode is not a bad idea given the history of the characters.  The Quintesson’s main body turns into a guard town and the chair and inner core of the robot turn into a prison cell.

The prison cell is proportioned so you can just fit a Micromaster or Battle Master character into it.

So I’m going to give the creators of the figure points for effort here.  But to be honest it doesn’t look fab and I can’t see many people having this toy displayed in Prison mode rather than Judge mode.



I’m not sure you could even really call it a transformation – it’s a cross between partsforming and folding stuff either up or down really.



As a Geewun fan I would have been happy for them to leave the transformation gimmick out and simply have this toy as a Quintesson Judge at a lower price point so that I could get several.  But that’s just me.  For kids and casual fans of the franchise this figure may be easy to pass up, but for your G1 enthusiast it is simply a must have that we have waited oh so many years to finally receive!

Got something to say about this figure?  Pop it in the comments section below!


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Toy Review – Earthrise Sky Lynx

Last year we saw the introduction of the Commander Class in the Generations toyline of the Transformers franchise.  This new classification of toy size was for those characters that were much bigger than even the likes of Optimus and Megatron in the G1 cartoon and the fans wanted a toy to match.

So far we had only had Jetfire, and what a damn cool toy he turned out to be!  This year we have gotten our second Commander Class toy.  The Space Dragon with an ego almost as big as his hull, we get Sky Lynx.


A bit of history about Sky Lynx

More photos of G1 Sky Lynx HERE

The original Sky Lynx was a very unique toy and a very unique character in the G1 franchise.  The toy was made up of two distinct pieces; a motorized troop carrier box that could turn into a giant, twin-tailed Lynx beast, and a space shuttle that could turn into a sorta Dinobird monster.  These could operate independently of each other in the cartoon and were controlled by the one consciousness that was Sky Lynx, effectively making him the brands second DuoCon, after Omega Supreme.  More often than not in the cartoon however, the space shuttle usually carried the troop carrier on the bottom of its hull in order to transport Autobots through space.  In robot mode the Lynx and Dinobird portions combined into Sky Lynx’s complete robot form, with size and strength enough to take on the likes of Predaking independently, and even take a pot shot at Trypticon.  In this complete form, the toy could walk, once again making it fairly unique in the toyline.

We didn’t see a Sky Lynx toy for many years, until the Predacons Rising subset of the Prime cartoon and toyline.  While he still had his Space Dragon mode and was big, he wasn’t huge and had a robot mode instead of a space shuttle mode.  That combined with being a Predacon meant that fans were underwhelmed by the characters return to screen.

Review of Beast Hunters Sky Lynx HERE

A few years later we got another Sky Lynx figure.  This time a Voyager class toy in the Combiner Wars line which was much more an homage to G1.  He had his space shuttle and Space Dragon modes, by could not separate.  Instead he became the torso of a combiner Sky Reign – with the head of a Lynx.  This toy was more warmly received, but being only Voyager class and not having all the modes of the G1 toy, fans still did not get their proper Sky Lynx fix.

Review of team Sky Reign HERE


Well, now in 2020 weve finally got what we were waiting for, a proper reimagining of the Sky Lynx figure, and boy was it worth the wait!  So with our history lesson done, lets move onto looking at this fantastic new toy!


Space Shuttle Mode

A really nice, really big looking space shuttle.  Sky Lynx is trying to finally have an Earth disguise with NASA printed on the side.  You will note that the name on the side of the shuttle is ‘Magnificence’, both a reference to a large story arc from the Transformers IDW comics, as well as to Sky Lynx’s opinion of himself.

The top of the shuttle opens up, just as the G1 toy did, to reveal what could either be considered escape pods or cargo pods.  I’m inclined to think of them as the latter.  Besides this there are not many play features to the space shuttle, but its still a damn nice looking toy.

Dinobird Mode

Very faithful to the G1 concept, with instead of two eyes it having a row of the space shuttle windows for viewing.  The wings are a great improvement, both with the detail on the blue sections to make them look more like robotic feathers, but also the fact the wings can now be angles up and down instead of going out from the body on a straight angle. Speaking of posing, the Dinobird has in his legs hip joint swivel, ankle tilts and knees, making it much easier to pose.

The head is a bit big for my liking in Dinobird mode, but one thing I do like is that instead of just having a blaster for a tongue, he now has a tongue and blaster and both can be moved about on a separate hinge in his mouth.  Combine this with the fire effects that come with the toy it can give him a nice offensive posture.


Troop Carrier Mode

It was pretty boring on the G1 toy, just being a blue box.  This is a bit better, though not that much.  At least it comes with big tank tracks on the side to make it look like it is supposed to move around under its own power.  Unfortunately, unlike the G1 toy it doesn’t move around under its own power, though it does have wheels so it will roll.   The lack of batteries has opened up the inside so that other small Transformer figures such as Micromasters can ride inside it.

Please, no ‘enter me from the rear’ jokes, as tempting as they are

Add a couple of lasers to the front and it looks like something industrial designed to navigate a rough planet or asteroid, something out of a sci-fi like the new Thunderbirds or perhaps Starship Troopers.

Lynx Mode

At least the head can actually stick up more this time, rather than constantly looking at his own feet.  Once again very faithful to the G1 concept, even down to the twin tails.

A cool new addition is that like the Dinobird it can now shoot fire from its mouth.  The figure also has some (but limited) leg articulation.


Space Shuttle Transport Mode

A thing of friggin beauty!  Having the two halves of the toy combined really gives it a physical presence the character deserved, and feels strong and bulky in the hand to boot!  Besides holding it in the air and yelling ‘zoom!’ the only real play features are that you can open up the back and unfold a ramp to load Micromaster vehicles, and you can put flame effects in the shuttle exhausts.  But all said, it’s a great looking toy – just make sure you get the two halves of the toy tabbed together correctly.


Combined Robot Form

And here he is!  Truly magnificent!  Here the head now seems perfectly in proportion as does everything really.  With the fact you can move the prehensile neck, adjust the knees and ankles and wings you can pose him quite well for a character that lacks traditional hips and has no arms.

And the size of him is fantastic, I honestly expected him to be around the same size as the G1 toy but he dwarfs his predecessor.


Space Shuttle Launch Base Mode

If all of the above weren’t good enough, we even get a new mode!  The troop carrier/lynx portion of the toy can fold out and become a base for the space shuttle with built in launch pad.  While this was pretty cool with the latest Astrotrain figure to come out, its even cooler looking here due to the size.  A particularly nice touch I thought was the extendable ramps that lead from the ground all the way up to the shuttles storage pods, making it look like it is taking on supplies before heading into space.


Worth Getting?

Australia is one of the first places in the world to get it and right now is fairly easy to find at the Big W toy sale for $119(au).  Sky Lynx is definitely worth the price tag.  With so many modes there is an absolute ton of play value to be had here.  The transformations are quite easy and very indicative of the G1 toy.  Whilst some collectors may be annoyed at the simplicity, I’m not as it means that you can change Sky Lynx into whichever of his multitude of modes suits your play without having to spend 10 minutes doing so.  So not only is this figure great for G1 enthusiasts as well as Transformer Collectors in general, but means it is also great for younger fans too with the easy accessibility it provides.  I cannot recommend this toy heartily enough – as loathe as I am to coddle an ego that is already so big, this Sky Lynx is worthy of the name Magnificence.


Got a Sky Lynx too, or thinking of picking one up?  Tell us in the comments section below!


Related Articles:

*Multiverse Sky Lynx Gallery

*Toys Review – Team Sky Reign

*Classic Toy Reviews – Beast Hunters & Combiner Wars Sky Lynx

Video: Generation One vs Beast Wars – the DEFINITIVE answer!

Transformer fans sometimes fight over the silliest things – then I guess that’s what the Internet is for.  One of the most enduring arguments over the decades has been ‘which was a better series: Generation One or Beast Wars’.

Personally I’ve never really weighed in on the debate as I enjoy them both.  Both had some great cartoon episodes, both produced some fantastic toys, both have contributed a huge amount to the enduring Transformers mythos.  So why the debate even exists is beyond me.

But exist it does.

In an effort to bring decades of arguing to an end I have examined the issue and, through scientific experimentation and logical deduction, found an answer to this long pondered question.

So sit back and enjoy the following video which will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt which was better – Beast Wars or Generation One.

I hope this video has answered all the questions you ever had about the relative quality of both franchises in relation to each other.

Transformer Fans everywhere – you are welcome!


Related Videos:

Trev wins $500 answering Transformers Questions

Toy Review – Siege Mirage

Mirage is one of those middle-of-the-road Autobot Car characters in terms of popularity, and this is reflected in the amount of toys based on him over the years.  Whilst not super-rare like say Grapple, not super popular like Sideswipe or Prowl either.

Mirage has cropped up in such Transformer toy sub-lines such as Kre-O, Alternators and Bot Shots, but has only had two significantly G1-themed toys released over the last 13 years.  First was the Classics version in 2006, whom had a magnificent alt-mode but an overly-lanky body.  The second was in 2015 in the Combiner Wars, but as a minor retool of the Stunticon Drag Strip didn’t look overly impressive in either mode.

So in 2019 Mirage has finally gotten another G1-based figure, albeit with a Cybertronian alt-mode.  So let’s have a look at Siege Mirage.


Robot Mode

‘Well I’ll be damned, I actually look like me again!’

The most G1-faithful looking Mirage figure we’ve had since, well, G1 really.  The proportions of his body are spot on and it’s been far too long since Mirage sported a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher.  No spring action firing but the rocket can at least be removed from its launcher.  His blaster is quite nice too.  With decent articulation and a great colour scheme it’s very hard to find fault with this figure.  If I had one minor quibble, it’s that he has a lot of faux parts, for instance the F1-racer waist piece doesn’t actually make up the nose of the car mode.

Fuck stealth!

Mirage, even more than the likes of Impactor, really lends himself to the Weaponizer gimmick, and with multiple ports all over his body you can really pimp him out for battle!


Cybertronian Racer

I’m translucent – that makes me Cybertronian.

Like many of the other Siege toys, this looks more like an Earth vehicle with a few Cybertronian elements pasted on top.  But it’s still a nice looking race car and the first offworld version of the character we have had.  I really like how part of the car’s body is translucent as an homage to the fact that the character has invisibility powers – much more attractive than the battle-damage paint most Siege figures come with.

Unlike the robot mode, you can’t really Weaponize Mirage’s vehicle mode.  There are only two spots which are on his tailfin, and these are taken up by his rocket launcher and rifle.  However the weapons look pretty cool there and make his alt-mode look distinctly more Cybertronian, differentiating the figure nicely from the very good Classics version.


Worth Getting?

For those that are happy with the Mirage toys they already have, there is a completely translucent version of this toy too which could be worth tracking down online as it looks pretty boss, though it means purchasing the Decepticon version of Impactor and the third Powerdasher figure with it.  But I wanted this version as the robot mode holds so much appeal for me, especially since Mirage was the first Autobot I ever got as a kid.  But whichever way you wanna go, this is a very solid toy  with a fun and intuitive transformation and is very faithful to the characters roots – he will fit nicely into anyone’s collection.


Got anything to say about this figure?  Pop it in the comments section below!


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Toy Review – Siege Greenlight

Toy Review – Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce

Toys Review – Selects: Nightbird, Cromar and Zetar

The Generations Selects line is one that divides people.  On the one hand it provides opportunities for figures to get made that might otherwise not due to a lack of popularity.  On the other, it means these figures are often only available either online, at specific stores and/or limited to a few select countries, meaning higher prices with a dollop of international postage for good measure.

The War for Cybertron Siege toyline has had a whopping nine Selects figures released this year.  Some such as Redwing have been virtually impossible for overseas collectors to get their hands on at a reasonable price.  But some have been released through multiple US online stores making things a bit easier, and today we are looking at the latest wave of them, consisting of the Powerdashers Cromar and Zetar, and the always mysterious Nightbird.

Note: As all three characters are minor retools of other Siege figures that have been out for quite some time, we will be focusing more on their aesthetics rather than their articulation, transformation and Weaponizer potential.


Powerdasher Cromar

Robot Mode

‘We all float down here…’

Whilst it seems his main weapon would be to hang about in Cybertronian Sewers eating Decepticon Protoforms, as a retool of Six-Gun his body is bristling with weapons.  Two long guns on the lower arms and four cannons on the shoulders and back.  Not bad since the original toy didn’t even have a gun.

‘Everybody loves a clown, so why can’t you?’

Cromar gets his distinctive face from the 1984 Mail-away figure he is based on (and the only TF I had and lost as a kid that I have yet to replace as an adult).  It’s… not flattering and makes this a figure you really don’t want to give to a coulrophobia sufferer as a gift.


If you think this looks weird, you should have seen my original toy

Pretty much Siege Six-Gun with new colours.  However it works for the character quite well, with perhaps only Cybertron Sideways being a more appropriate recolour.  I likes it!



Powerdasher Zetar

Robot Mode

I’m smiling because I can kill you with a headbutt

No fingers, no neck, but one helluva hat!  The silly thing is the drill on his head can be spun fairly easily in robot mode but not in vehicle mode. A retool of Siege Brunt, he lacks a certain appeal that Brunt possessed, but is certainly faithful to the original toy & character.  The bonus being he gets a gun this time around which (due to the no fingers thing) can be attached to his forearms.

The creepy circus motif continues

The look of his head really makes me want to get the third Powerdasher – Aragon – just to see if he has some clownish attributes too.


‘I..I just don’t know what the hell I am supposed to be’

Once again we are looking at Siege Brunt, but with a drill on the front.  The ironic thing is that the cannon on top, if you attach the blaster, sticks out further than the drill does.  But hey, with the drill that close to the ground Zetar can definitely get a job drilling holes for oversized cybermice or mowing really thin strips of lawn.  Unite Warriors Nosecone or even Combiner Wars Drillhorn make far more practical looking drill tanks.



Robot Mode

‘I’m quite frolicsome for a Ninja’

A retool of Siege Chromia, Nighbird boasts a totally new headsculpt which is very indicative of how she looked back in the G1 cartoon, though severely limits how much she can turn her head.  She comes with the same weaponry that can be either a pistol and grenades, a gun or a sniper rifle.  It would have been nice if she had come with some sai’s like the Legends version of her did to show her Ninja origins.

‘Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!’

What is very disappointing for a Selects figure is that Nightbird comes apart quite easily.  Her legs, arms and crotchplate all come off way to easily, though at least are not too hard to reattach.


‘Wonder if I can get a date with Kit from Knightrider?’

I had no idea she would be this black!  Her backpack makes up the majority of the car body and it’s as black as black can be with a dark purple canopy.  I would have liked to see the backpack/car body remain grey with the black limited to her fenders.  However at least this car mode is more generally Cybertronian, rather than the Legends version which was quite Arcee indicative.


Worth Getting?

Only if, like me, you are a fan of obscure G1 characters.  All these moulds have been done before and none of these characters are popular enough that any kid is going to be screaming for them this Xmas.  It’s nice to see the Powerdashers get new figures after all this time, though the lack of a dash component kinda irks me.  Nightbird isn’t bad but I find the Legends version to be far superior in both modes.  So yeah, they are all nice in their way and I’m glad to have them, but none have any wow factor that is going to keep you awake at night wishing that you owned them.

Got anything to add to this review?  Pop it in the comments section below!


Related Articles:

Toy Review: Siege Greenlight

Toy Review: Siege Impactor

Toy Review: Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce

Toy Review – Siege Greenlight

Over the past few years we have been getting Transformer toys based on increasingly obscure Generation One characters.  While it’s pretty hard to beat Scrounge (a character from the Marvel comics who turned into a wheel and died) who came with the Combiner Wars Technobots, we may have a contender.  This time it is a femmebot who was a background character with no lines in a single episode from a G1 cartoon back in 1985.  So let’s say Go to the Amazon Prime exclusive Siege Greenlight! 


Robot Mode 

‘It’s not easy being Greenlight’

Greenlight uses the same mold that was used by POTP Moonracer and Novastar before that.  So there are probably few dedicated collectors who are unfamiliar with this mold by now.  Besides the colour scheme, which is rather more striking than I thought it would be, the only change is a new headsculpt based on her G1 cartoon appearance – very 80’s alien from the future in its design.  And she does look pretty cool sporting a shield and flaming sword.

‘Springer – I am your warrior princess!’


Vehicle Mode 

Esentially identical to all her sisterbots, but once again the green really pops!  And at least coming with a Targetmaster … er, I mean Battle Master partner, attaching her shield at the back makes it look like she has a vehicular battle mode. 



Dazzlestrike is a redeco of Lionizer. The figure is unchanged except for some white eyebrows, some green on the blade and blue eyes instead of red.  These extra colours certainly make the figure stand out more than her brother.


Worth Getting?

Well it depends.  If you are looking for a toy you haven’t seen before you won’t find it here.  She also has a decent price tag, being an exclusive from Amazon Prime.  However these are characters you wont find anywhere else and considering you get a Deluxe and a Battle Master figure the cost isn’t outrageous.  Also if you wish to form the gestalt Orthia (review coming when 4th Femmebot released), the first female Combiner  we’ve had since Megatronia, then Greenlight is a must have to join with Elita-1 and the rest.  So why not fill out that extra gap in your G1-cast entourage and go get your Greenlight online today!

Got something to say about this toy?  Pop it in the comments section below!


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