More Campaign Fan Art from Scottie!

Scottie has been enjoying himself and has been hitting the campaign trail, trying tto get yours truly elected as Prime Minister, or failing that at least as Ozformer Member of the year.  Here are a few more of his artworks – you will note he has used my  half-bearded and fully-bearded phases as inspiration.




Scottie has also done some fantastic artwork for our Top Trumps Competition but that will be unveiled at the end of the month along with all the other entries.  A link to the competition can be found here:


Fan Art – Big PM Trev Campaign Poster!

Today I was totally blown away!  Scott, a talented fellow who has tirelessly campaigned on my behalf in the past, sent me this mock up he did of what one of my posters would look like if I did run for the Prime Ministership.

I'd vote for me, and I am me so if anyone should know I would...
I’d vote for me, and I am me so if anyone should know I would…

Considering I don’t even know how to resize a pic 90% of the time, I was very impressed with what Scott has done here, as well as admiring him for his excellent choice in subject matter.

Good on ya Scott, I am very flattered and chuffed!




Vote #1 – Big Angry Trev for PM!

I have become, like many of you, disillusioned with the state of politics in our country.  The big parties seem to have more interest in blaming each other for the woes of our country than actually fixing said problems.  The lower parties just want to make deals with the bigger parties so that they can have some sort of say, and half the Independents seem to run on the ‘I don’t like foreigners’ platform.  The whole system is a disgrace, but can anyone at this point fix it?

Well yes – ME.


I am officially unofficially throwing my hat in the ring.  Oh, I may not appear on any actual voting form on the day, but that’s because I refuse to play by a corrupt systems rules.  I am here to serve you – the public.  And I want you – the public – to do the biggest write-in campaign in history!

When you go to the ballot box in a month, tick no boxes – not a one!  Instead I want each of you to scrawl “BIG ANGRY TREV 4 PM!” across the sheet and stick it in the box.  After the 15 millionth form of that ilk has crossed the counters desk, whether it be an official form of entry or not, I will have won and the power of this great land will be back in the hands of where it belongs – Me.. er… I mean you – the people.

But what do I stand for?  Well everything you stand for of course!  But here is an outline of just some of the policies I will enact to make our country, and perhaps our planet, a better place:


*Heavy subsidies for the butchers industry.  As a nation of predominantly meat eaters we are subjected to high prices and low quality from supermarkets from meat that has been long-term stored and transported.  By encouraging our butchers industry we can make sure our meat is fresh, plentiful, high quality and the farmers get a good price for their livestock.

*Heavy subsidies for the body augmentation industry.  People have a right to change their physical appearance as they see fit – your body, your choice!  And no matter what you want done, whether it be some Double F-cup breast implants or to have your legs replaced with tank tracks, it will currently cost you a fortune to get done!  Under my scheme, it will become relatively inexpensive to have one arm removed and replaced with a laser cannon – in fact it is a procedure I am seriously considering myself.

*Heavy subsidies for the catapult industry.  When is the last time you saw a catapult?  The industry is that over-regulated and materials that expensive that you never see a catapult anymore – it’s a damn shame!  Catapults are great, for everything from national defense to the disposal of nuclear waste (if you build a catapult strong enough to reach orbit that is).

*Religious institutions to pay tax – God can afford it.

*Hobby farmers to pay no tax – I can’t afford it.

*Pokies venues to be taxed 150% of all their earnings.

*A ban on all reality televisionespecially any show where they spend 80% of the time showing peoples emotional reactions rather than them cooking or building or singing about a fish or whatever the hell they do.

*A clear distinction to be made between ‘Free Speech’ and ‘Hate Speech’.  Sick of the latter trying to dress itself up as the former.

*High speed internet access for rural areas – mine sucks!

*Gigantic solar farms in the middle of our myriad of deserts – we get baked alive in Australia – we might as well get free electricity as a by-product of it.

*All teachers and teacher’s aides to receive a ‘Spent the year dealing with your damn kids’ bonus of $10,000 each Christmas so they can enjoy the summer before their lives become a big ball of stress again at the start of Feb.

*The Australian Navy will have their duties changed – half of our warships will protect the whales, while the other half will wipe out the octopus (dirty evil bastards they are!).

*Heavier jail times for people convicted of crimes against other people such as physical assault, sexual assault, robbery and burglary.  Aren’t you a bit sick of picking up the paper every day and reading an article where someone who just committed one of these crimes was already on a suspended sentence or parole for a similar crime?  Lock the fraggers up – let there be actual consequences for their actions!

*A limit to how much welfare one family can get.  If you have been unemployed for years, your partner has been unemployed for years and you already have 3 kids, why should the people that actually work for a living have to shell out even more welfare money because you are bored and decided to have a fourth?  You want a ton of kids?  Fine – go get a job so you can support them and stop making the rest of us foot the bill for your rutting!  Oh, and if you are one of those ‘serial impregnator’ guys that has a half dozen kids to a half dozen women and doesn’t work because you know all your wages will be garnished for child support, you will have your testicles surgically removed and put to work in the mines to earn money for your illegitimate brood.

*No GST on imported goods! This is a SHAMEFUL policy that both sides of parliament were behind enacting and I intend to repeal!  They say it’s so that you will buy locally instead of buying your goods from overseas via the internet, but what if…

-A: You live in a rural area where you cannot purchase the items you require at your local store?  Most Aussie companies charge ruinous postal fees to send you an item, you often pay more in postage to get something from Melbourne than from the other side of the globe!  Last I checked, my little bush town doesn’t have any of the big chains I can go to and get anything I require.

-B: They don’t make and/or sell the item you want in Australia at all? For those with their eye on the upcoming MP Black Arachnia figure, I don’t think you’ll be buying one at your local K-Mart.  There are many products that are sold nowhere in this wide brown land of ours, its not a matter of not wanting to shop locally – we can’t! 

*I will make Babymetal tour Australia on a yearly basis

*I will make Hasbro and Takara release ALL Transformer related products in Australia.

*All vegetarian restaurants will be required to provide a meat option on their menu.  There will be an outright ban on pumpkins on Australian soil.

*Statues of me shall be erected in the town square of every town in our land in order to raise the morale of the populace in general.

*Citizenship status will be greatly overhauled and along with it immigration and asylum seeker polices.  Essentially if you will bow before the will of Trev, you can come in and you can stay.  If you are already here, even for generations, and you refuse to bow, you can get the hell out!  That goes for every man, woman and child on the continent – no exceptions!

*Parliament house will have a swimming pool full of beer guarded by nubile wenches with rocket launchers!  The deck chairs made out of solid gold and have built-in steak dispensers with a gravy option!


These are just some of the policies I will enact upon seizing power and stamping my jackboot of authority upon this land, which may end up getting renamed New Trevonia (working title).  I look forward to your support.  Let the tide of support wash away the unbelievers in a sea of blood as I march across this land as Prime Minister Trev the 1st, King of Kings and Emperor for life (working title). Let all bow before his magnificence and pay homage to his name!  ALL SHALL LOVE ME AND DISPAIR – BWAH HAHAHAHAHA!

Ahem… um… I mean, vote for me.

Ask Trev – ‘If you could survive on only one food, what would it be?’

This question comes from Nicole in Bendigo ‘If Big Angry Trev could eat only one food for the rest of his life what would it be, why, and how would he sustain himself using only that one food?’


Well Nicole has done well with her question here – she has made it so there are very few loopholes to take advantage of in the question.  Let’s see:

If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be T-Bone steaks topped with Slow Roasted Pork Belly.  Why?  Because it’s the food of the damn gods!  In fact if it comes down to it you could eat any food you like for the rest of your life no problem – it’s just the rest of your life would be very short. So Nicole has been clever by asking how I would sustain myself on it.

So to sustain myself?  Well here is where I can take advantage of the one loophole Nicole left.  She didn’t specify that the food could not also be a drink.  And there is one substance that is both a food and a drink – breast milk.


Breast milk in the one single food that contains everything the human body requires, that’s why babies can survive on a diet of it and nothing else.  And adults are capable of doing so as well, this is a biological fact.  Other mammalian milk such as cow’s milk is a pretty good second, but it does not supply all the nutrients specific to human needs.

So if I could only eat one food that I had to sustain myself with and why the answer would be breast milk as it’s the only food source possible to do so with.  How I would sustain myself?  Well that would require multiple donors since a single lactating woman could not produce enough milk to keep an adult male fed.  So, sigh, if it meant my survival, if it meant I could stay alive to be a good husband and father for years to come, then I would bite the proverbial pink bullet and suckle upon the engorged breasts of many different women several times a day for the rest of my life.  As a man of high morals, I would have no choice.

I guess the women could express it into bottles but as a permaculturalist I prefer my food fresh.

Challenge met Nicole!

Ask Trev – ‘Should I buy R-17 Carnifex?’

This question comes from Dallas in Sydney “Should I buy Reformatted R-17 Carnifex?”OL1

For those that don’t know R-17 Carnifex is 3rd party developer Mastermind Creations version of the increasing popular character Overlord from the Transformers franchise.

Well the usual answer would be “yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” This looks like this is going to be a fantastic figure and it comes from a quality 3rd party company that has done great work in the past.

However there is a cyber-spanner in the works – a possible official Overlord figure may be on the cards.  This is MUCH sought after as so few of us have the original one.  Personally the closest I have is my Heroes of Cybertron Gigatron and he doesn’t quite cut the mustard.


At Botcon Hasbro showed sneak peaks of figures that will be coming out over the next two years.  Most of these we got colour images of but there was one in shadow that looked suspiciously like a tank and jet that would combine.  Now this might be an upcoming Flywheels figure (Battletrap got a TFCC figure at Botcon last year) but it also might be an Overlord.  Overlord is arguably the more popular character, he featured prominently in the Japanese cartoon whereas Flywheels only showed up in the opening credits of the G1 S4.  Overlord has also been very popular in the recent IDW comics whereas Flywheels got killed over a year ago by the DJD in them.

So what to do?  Well it depends on your predilection.  If you really like 3rd party products

Is this Overlord?
Is this Overlord?

then you may as well go for Reformatted R-17 Carnifex – he looks great and really is only lacking a base mode.  But he is expensive – really expensive.  At most online places you are likely to be shelling out well over $200AU for this big bad boy.

It also depends if you would prefer to have a official toy rather than a 3rd party one.  Personally I have no problem with 3rd party figures – I have a few Quintessons and my upgrade kits for Universe Hardhead and Combiner Wars Menasor make the figures look infinitely better.  But it always feels a little…. I dunno… like I am cheating a bit by getting something from a 3rd party, almost like it’s not quite real.  Also if there is an official Overlord toy on the way, it’s possible that it may have a base mode, something that R-17 Carnifex lacks.

MMC10043[1]So my advice: hedge your bets!  Personally I’m preordering R-17 Carnifex from BBTS as I have the option of cancelling my order up to the day before it arrives in their store.  That way if an official toy does get announced and it look like it will be of good quality then I can cancel my 3rd party order.  If it turns out there is no official Overlord toy on the way, then I’m covered and wont have to worry about not being able to lay my hands on a representation of him.

Good luck Dallas – may we both get the giant, psychopathic, mass murdering alien robot we are after!


Ask Trev – ‘What is the purpose of Meaning?’

One of the most interesting questions I’ve had comes from Neil in Blacktown: What is the purpose of meaning?


I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume Neil is asking about meaning in a spiritual and philosophical sense, rather than talking about meaning in a literal way. If I’m wrong Neil I’m sorry and will have wasted a lot of time writing this.

I found this to be a really deep question. It’s not ‘What is the meaning of life?’ but ‘What is the purpose of meaning?’. And that is something that I had never considered before.

I guess the purpose of meaning is to give your life purpose to give a glib answer, but it’s so much more than that. You can say things like ‘my purpose in life is to watch that movie/date that girl/get that promotion’ but those are goals which can be achieved. They may be fleeting meanings, but they are not meaning in and of itself.


For me the purpose of meaning is what makes you want to get out of bed each day. Not because you have to (alarm clock, work, check out at 10 etc) but because you want to continue down a path which is intrinsic to who you are and what you believe you are here for – essentially what gives your existence meaning. And what gives your life meaning can be transient, it can change over time. I wanted to be a stand-up comic when I was younger, but despite how strongly I felt about it it did not give my life meaning, otherwise I certainly would have tried harder. I love to collect Transformers, it remains a very big and important part of my life, but it does not give my life meaning. I think in part the purpose of meaning is something so important to you, something so quintessential to your being that in the end it helps define deep down who you actually are.


Maybe the best way to illustrate what I am saying is to use my own life as an example. In my personal experience, I have had three major factors that have given my life meaning, things beyond simple wants, urges and passions.

  • When I was a teen and then at Uni it was FUN – fun was literally what gave my life meaning and it’s all I wanted to do each day – I wanted to have fun!  I was annoyingly cheerful back then, I could not imagine my life getting any better because despite having zero money, a mediocre acting career and an irritating girlfriend, my days were packed with video games, mates, parties and living with my best friend whom I spent 90% of my time laughing with. Fun was my meaning, and my meaning was damn fun!
  • In my 20’s NEW EXPERIENCES was what gave my life meaning. I wanted to know everything, to go everywhere, to eat and drink and consume anything I hadn’t before. If there was something I hadn’t tried I wanted – needed to try it! I threw away my fledgling teaching career and took off overseas and spent a year backpacking across Europe. I ate things I had never heard of, learned languages I couldn’t pronounce a word of before, visited a dozen of the world’s biggest art galleries, went to Octoberfest and got drunk, went to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and did comedy. When I came back from Europe I still tried new things, went to music gigs, hippy festivals, the theatre, the footy – somewhere I even have a DVD of me swearing very loudly as I throw myself off a bridge when bungy-jumping in New Zealand.
  • In my 30’s, now less than twIMG_3322o years off the big Four Oh (dear Primus where did the time go!?),  FAMILY has become my meaning and it is the strongest most defining meaning my life has ever had. I love my wife dearly, will never be with another person ever and we’ve had 13 great years together thus far. But now I am a father with a 3 year old son and a 1 year old daughter and they provide my life with a level of meaning that I had never considered possible. I am a Dad. It’s who I am, it’s what I am, it’s why I’m here and it’s by far the single most important thing in my life. My children provide my life with a meaning that dwarfs everything else. I go to my job so I can provide them with food and shelter, I work my hobby farm so they have a nice place to grow up on in the country, I am filled with an indescribable joy when I come back from work each day to see them both throw a happy fit because Dad is home before throwing themselves into my arms. My kids are the most important part of my life and I can’t see that ever changing. So for me, my kids are my meaning, and the purpose of meaning is what makes me Me.


I hope everyone reading this can find a meaning that makes you You, and I hope my ramblings have has answered your question Niel (or at least provided a nice distraction for a few minutes eh!).




Competition – win Transformer Top Trump Card Packs!



Recently I have come into possession of some extra Transformers: Top Trump game packs, featuring all that lovely box-art from the early 80’s!  It would be too cruel of me to hoard them like the usual TF-miser I am so I have a plan to spread the joy – I’m gonna get folk to jump through metaphorical creative hoops in order to give me an excuse to give them away!


Here is how you can win your own pack:

*Option A: Write something creative, be it a poem, ode or story.  Must be between 38 and 3800 words that must involve yours truly (Big Angry Trev) and the Transformers.  What way, shape and form the story takes is up to you!  I wanna see those keyboards run wild and be dripping so much with your extruded creative juices that you’ll net to sit it out in the sun for 90 minutes to dry!

*Option B: A picture is worth a thousand words!  A picture either drawn or done via computer with me and the Transformers in some fashion (That does NOT give people a licence to draw a pic of me getting bent over an oil-can by an overexcited Dipstick by the way!  Arcee maybe, but not Dipstick).


The competition will run until the end of June.  Send entries via PM on Facebook, Ozformers or here.  At the end I will pick the best written entry and the best visual entry and mail those people their free Transformers: Top Trump packs!  The winners will also have their stories/pictures published here on the bigangrytrev website for all to enjoy!


Good luck everyone!  I look forward to seeing your entries! (and no, that’s not another Dipstick joke)

Album Review – ‘Transformers: Roll Out’


Many things can inspire someone to song, be it the rise of the sun over the plains, the look of affection in their lovers eye, the heartache of loss and regret.  However apparently giant alien robots can stir the muse within as well, and so we have ‘Transformers: Roll Out’


This CD was touted as the Transformers inspired soundtrack.  This means it’s not from a Transformers cartoon or movie, but is meant to be a collection of songs by artists that have felt inspired by huge transforming mechanoids from beyond the stars.  The CD is made up of 10 tracks, all from relatively obscure bands and artists:

  1. “Roll Out” – Mount Holly
  2. “This House is on Fire” – Bush
  3. “Gigantik” – Crash Kings
  4. “Count to Ten” – MEW
  5. “Into the Fire” – Elle Rae
  6. “Exiled” – SPURS
  7. “Just a Spark” – Jameson Burt
  8. “Stronger” – Ours
  9. “Modern Man” – Darby™
  10. “Our Revolution” – Born Cages


Now some of these songs actually do have Transformer themed lyrics embedded within their songs. Examples are:

Roll Out – Mount Holly

“Let’s Roll Out, Rise Up…”

References to Optimus catch phrase before battle, and Megatrons battle cry from the Animated series

Exiled – Spurs

“We are the exiled ones – the lost daughters and sons of Cybertron.”

Reference to the myriad of Transformers genres where they had to abandon their home planet.

Just a Spark – Jameson Burt

“One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall”

Optimus catch phrase before he and Megatron have a big battle in the Animated and live action Movie.


So yes, there is some Transformer stuff in there for the robot aficionado.  However it doesn’t really save this CD from mediocrity.  A couple of songs aren’t bad, the first one on the CD by Mount Holly certainly being the best of the bunch.  But this is really a CD of filler songs, as in they are not the songs you hate, but ones you’d expect to be jammed between the big hits on other CD’s.  The ones you would listen to because you can’t be bothered pressing the ‘Next Track’ button on your cars sound system.

This CD cost me eighteen bucks from JB Hi-Fi.  So about $1.80 a song which isn’t bad but you could probably download them cheaper off iTunes or something.  There is nothing to hate about this CD, but very little to get excited about either.  Only recommended as a purchase if, like me, you are a Transformers fan that does a LOT of driving out of radio range and need all the tunes you can get to fill in those lonely country miles.

Meat Review – The Kings Hotel in Bathurst

There are two things I look for in my meat when I go out to dinner – quality and quantity.  Ya gots to have both!  Nothing more irritating then paying a fortune for a meal and it comes out in portions that a dwarf would look at and say “Thats lousy!“.  Also irritating is when you do get a big meal but it tastes average or below – just means you’ve got a lot of mediocre food to get through.  Luckily, the Kings Hotel in Bathurst has both quality and quantity ticked – especially the QUANTITY!


Now this is a pub that knows it’s damn meat!  No piddly little servings here.  Be prepared for a plate of tucker so big that your bowel movement the next day is likely to crack even the strongest porcelain!  Everything on the menu (all averaging between $28 & $35) comes out in massive servings that even a seasoned glutton such as I finds impressive.  For instance, here is the Kids Menu Steak & Chips:


Now I’ve been to this pub several times with various folk and I’ve yet to hear anyone complain about their meals.  However I’m going to take you through the three I’ve had – all bowel-busting delights!

Cajun Surf & Turf
sirloin steak topped with balmain bug & prawns in a cajun infused butter

This is by far the tastiest thing on the menu!  The steak and balmain bug are both of a hefty size and cooked beautifully and the cajun butter is just fan-freakin-tastic! Genuinely really tasty! This is one of those meals will leave you going “Wow – god damn!  That was good!”  I recommend helping it down with a few beers, and if you are a Transformers Fan then you can’t go past the below beer, especially in 2016!


Rack of Pork Ribs
Bourbon bbq & apple sauce with chips & salad

They didn’t off Piglet or Wilbur for this – they killed one of those big boars out of Footrot Flats, ripped it’s ribs out, cooked’em up and slapped them on a plate!  Quite possibly the biggest serving of ribs I’ve ever had served up to me!  The meat is very tender, however without a sauce on it, it is a bit bland.  I was surprised to find the restaurant would not budge on the sauce.  You could only get bourbon bbq & apple, nothing else.  They were kind enough to put it on the side for me but I would have still preferred a different flavour option, maybe something mustardy.  So this is good but only grab it if you are a massive pork fan or like the aforementioned sauce flavour.


Now for the REAL reason to visit this restaurant……

1kg of rump steak (cooked up to medium)

A lot of people feel intimidated by the idea of eating a kilo of beef in one go.  Why?!  I find this fear completely foreign, even when I was a skinny bugger I could down giant steaks like matlesers.  Considering I ate a 1.5kg Pork Knuckle in Germany, a 1kg steak holds no fears for the likes of I.  And nor should it for you!  Eat it!  Eat the damn steak!  I’ve had steaks this size at many locals but I will say this was the best one.  The fact they refuse to cook it more than medium shows they have a clue what they are doing, I prefer medium-rare myself.  This steak was juicy, tender, succulent and you got a choice of sides and sauces (I personally went with a hearty gravy but the garlic would have been good too).  At well under $40 you are definitely getting your money’s worth.  Eat this steak!  Eat it because it’s tasty, eat it to prove to yourself you can, eat it to impress your friends, but most of all… eat it because it’s the right thing to do.



So in a nutshell this restaurant is well worth visiting.  The food is tasty, the beer cold and the meal portions are beyond reproach!  Go get yaself a a gut-full right now!


A link to the Kings Hotel can be found here:

Collection Critique – Jordan’s Gigantic Stash!

Welcome to the first, of hopefully many, critiques of peoples collections.  And we have an absolute pearler to start with!  But before that, let us put ‘Collectors’ in general in perspective (the male ones anyway).

There are your first type of collector who embodies the most well-known stereotype.  Sad, pathetic little fraggers who both look and smell damp like little toads, still living in the room they grew up in or entombed in their parents basement.  The touch of a woman will remain forever an unearthly and purely imagined delight that will never be sampled and human companionship is relegated to whatever chatroom they frequent most to angrily discuss the merits of whatever sci-fi foolishness is gracing the big screen.

Then you get the second type of collectors.  The ones who are your average joe.  Could be your neighbor or the guy sitting in the next cubicle.  They have friends, go to work, even do ok with the girls.  They just happen to have a penchant for collecting a particular genre, be it baseball cards or model trains.  They make up the grist of society and I’m sure one is responsible for creating the colour beige.

Then you get your third type – the fabled ‘Alpha Collector’.  These  guys looks like they could bench-press you and probably snap your spine with a modicum of effort if the whim struck.  Not only are they socially well-adjusted but also usually the life of the party, with plenty of mates who want to hang with them and plenty of girls who want to sample what’s hanging from them.  And when they collect they don’t dick about – they collect big time!

This third type of collector is rare.  I’m proud to say I’ve tried to live my life as one, this article is about another.  Let’s meet Jordan!



Like me, Jordan grew up on a farm so a few thousand acres was his playground.  Now, also like me, he is older with a nice 3-bedroom house, a lovely wife, beautiful kids and a steady job.  Main difference is he still looks like he could lift a pizza truck whereas age has made me look like I could eat the contents.  I met Jordan in the flesh for the first time a bit over a year ago and despite the 11 hours apart we live from each other I promised that one day I would come to see his collection.  On Tuesday I got that chance.

Entering Jordan’s lovely hilltop home overlooking a picturesque lake you could be forgiven for thinking this is not the home of a collector.  Everything is very neat and tidy, you can see a couple of Lego Pirate Ships on top of a cabinet and a Generations Metroplex in the dining room but with kids in the house this is to be expected.

Entering Jordan’s kitchen I start to get a sense of what lies beneath.  Spread everywhere are quite large containers and boxes filled with various Lego pieces – even to my untrained eye there seem to be a few thousand.

“I’m just sorting out a bunch of old boxes while I have the house to myself” Jordan explains.  It then becomes apparent as my eye takes everything in that there is Lego EVERYWHERE!  Many of the boxes have pre-made kits in them.   A couple are old enough that I remember them from my childhood but obviously there are ones spanning the last 20 years on show.  Jordan takes me through all assembled (and also disassembled) and I marvel at some of the more elaborately constructed vehicles.



“Right!  Let me give you the tour” Jordan says.

Now, here is why Jordan’s looks so normal on the surface.  Because every nook, cranny, cupboard, draw and shelf is absolutely CHOCKERS with collectibles of all sorts!  By the end of my tour I was certain if I opened the fridge I would have found a scale-replica Tie-Fighter in the crisper and some Micro-Machines in the butter dish.   There are MISB playsets in the tops of his kids cupboards, MOSC TF Animated toys in the top of his WIR, video games in draws under the master bed, TF jigsaws in the laundry, Xbox games in the basement and the study is just a mancave dream full of toys, video games and a bitchin guitar and drum set!

None of my descriptions or photographs can really do his collection justice since it is so spread out in so many small (but highly significant) groupings all over the house. With pics you can never really get an idea of just how BIG this collection is, you would need a specially designed shed or underground cavity to do it justice by having it all together.   I will say to my mind the most impressive collections were those of his Lego, retro 80’s toys, video games and of course Transformers!  But there were plenty of other smaller ones on show such Masters of the Universe and TMNT.

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Some personal thrills of mine were to see toys and games I had myself owned as a kid and not seen in manys a decade.  Strider (the metal horse) and Fisto (guy with a big metal fist – think he does German porn now) from He-Man made up 90% of my collection from Eternia back then and sure as She-Ra Jordan had them!

You know when some guy says “Oh yeah, I got thousands of games man!” and you think “bullshit you do”?  Video Games tend to be a lot like sex, the more a dude brags he has the less he probably really does.  Well I’ve only heard Jordan mention his games in passing before, but this is a guy who could say and mean it literally that he does have thousands of games!  Everything from the current era of consoles to dating back before I was born!  Some of these systems I had never even heard of!  The Vectrex – who has ever heard of a friggin Vectrex?!  But one was there and it’s like the first Tron movie finally made sense!  I got a massive rush seeing that many classic games I had owned that Jordan still had such as the Mario games on the NES, Zombies ate my Neighbours on the SNES, Goldeneye 007 on the N64 – all brought back brought back font memories.  A MAJOR thrill of mine was to see that he had ASTERIX on the Atari 2600!  And in the freakin box!  I wasted many hours of my pre-teen years trying to clock this unclockable game!

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After taking me on this big tour Jordan unveiled what he knew I had come in particular to see – his TRANSFORMERS!

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First off was the Animated collection in his WIR.  Nearly every figure I could think of was there MIB or MOSC.  And he very kindly took down (after he saw me nearly lay a freakin egg in excitement!) his pristine Botcon Stuntcon set.  I gotta admit, I was drooling over this and thoughts of grabbing it and throwing myself out the nearest window to run into the night did cross my mind (only problems were we were two stories up and it was daytime – small but critical flaws in an otherwise brilliant plan).  But then it was time for Jordan to take me to the linen cupboard of splendor!


Inside Jordan had about 100 to 150 G1 figures.  Certainly a respectable collection!  He even had Hosehead and Camshaft who I lack myself.  But even more impressive was the massive amount of miscellaneous TF merchandise from the 80’s era he had!  It was UN-F*CKING BELIEVABLE!  Everything from tents to gift-set, candles-to tooth-brush packs, records to books-on-tape!  I have a lot of misc TF merchandise myself but to compare mine to his would be like comparing a dandelion to an oak-tree – in other words there is no comparison!  Whilst I may have more, very little of it is from the G1 80’s era (most from the last decade) and 80’s gear is what Jordan had in spades – I felt both envious and aroused on so many levels I would have fainted, except a lack of consciousness would have meant I had to stop looking at all the cool shit on show!

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In the end, I only was able to spend 2 hours admiring Jordan’s collection before time dragged me away, but I could have spent days there.  As I left I realized I’d spent so much time drooling over all the great collectibles that I’d forgotten to do the interview part of the visit!  Jordan said “Don’t worry man, just send me any questions you have” so if people have questions please post them below and I’m sure he will get a chance to answer them at some point.

I’d like to thank him for opening his home to me and showing me all his wonderful stuff!  This man and his collection are both to be highly respected and honored.  Maybe if you are lucky one day he will give you a tour too!
