Tag Archives: Toxic Slice

Toy Review – Cyberverse: Acid Storm

The relatively short first season of the Cyberverse cartoon has come to an end, but new toys are still turning up on the shelves.  I must admit I am eschewing most of them but when I saw Acid Storm in a local store I couldn’t help but pick him (or is it her?) up.  So let’s have a look at the characters first foray outside of the Generation One universe with Cyberverse Warrior Class Acid Storm.


Robot Mode

‘It’s not easy being green’

The wing shape over the shoulders is reminiscent of the characters Thrilling 30 toy.  And the colour scheme?  Well the colour scheme is very G1 reminiscent, ya gotta give it that.  We are talking green here.  I mean, really green.  Besides some grey on the torso & thighs and a yellow cockpit there is very little to break up the overpowering green to be found here.  This may be case of where being a G1 homage might be taken a little too far.

G1 Acid Storm


Toxic Slice

The flip out toxic wings

The gimmick here in robot mode is to swivel the entire upper body around a couple of times and let it go, making it spin and the coloured end sections of the wings spread out.  It doesn’t work, which is to say it works too well.  Acid Storm spins so fast it’s just a blur and you can hardly make out the wing segments at all.


Jet Mode

Pretty stock standard with little to recommend it above the litany of other TF jets out there.  The backs of the legs are visible from above and the annoying thing is you can’t take out Acid Storm’s landing gear without having to reverse the transformation somewhat.  A bit of a let down overall.


Is He a She or She a He?

A ‘He’ on Cybertron…
…then a ‘She’ on Earth

There is a bit of confusion over the gender of Acid Storm.  In the cartoon Acid Storm’s first appearance on Cybertron portrays the character as male.  Yet on Earth the character is definitely portrayed as female and appears in multiple episodes as such.  Yet when one looks at the toy, the toys box art and the official Cyberverse website Acid Storm is once again male.  Therefore we are forced to conclude that the character was intended to be male, but the writers at some point after the initial Cyberverse episodes arbitrarily changed the gender.

The official website description


Worth Buying?

Battle of the average toys

To be honest, not really.  The transformation is uninspired as is the jet mode and colour scheme and the whole toy feels cheaply made.  The Toxic Slice gimmick is also a joke.  However it isn’t a completely horrible figure and it’s nice to see Acid Storm finally get an outing in a non-G1 toy line. So if like me you are a Seeker enthusiast, you may wish to pick this guy (or perhaps gal) up.


Got something to say about this figure?  Pop it in the comments section below!


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