Tag Archives: one year old

The Blog turns 1 year old!

At the start of 2016, my in-laws suggested that I start a blog in order to provide a creative outlet for the myriad of random thoughts that constantly run through this odd brain of mine, as well as it possibly being a new career.  So one year ago in April of 2016 BigAngryTrev.com was born.

Happy birthday to me!

And here we are on the sites first anniversary!  It’s been a lot of fun writing this and has proven quite educational.  I’ve learned my audience is much more interested in Transformers than Hobby Farming, that spiders killing snakes (or at least skinks) makes for great news and that it’s often not what you write but where someone else shares it that determines the amount of views you get.  Also that I must not be particularly photogenic as the most popular video I put up is the only one I am not pictured in. Over the course of the Blogs first year I’ve had over 10,000 views – a respectable number indeed.  However well short of the 100,000 a month I would need to start making money out of it.  So share away guys!  Send in ‘Ask Trev‘ questions, subscribe for new stories, encourage your friends to follow the blog on Facebook and Twitter and keep reading, I need a new career badly!  I really appreciate those who have followed me along this journey and hope I can keep informing and entertaining you all in the future.

Not too shabby so far

To celebrate the first year of BigAngryTrev.com I thought I’d list below what has proven the most popular posts in each section.  Enjoy!


Ask Trev: Who should I vote for in the Federal Election?

Competition: Win Transformer Top Trump Packs!

Fan Art: More campaign Fan Art from Scottie!

Hobby Farming: What to plant in Primary School gardens.

Meaty Goodness!: Meat Review – The Kings Hotel in Bathurst

Random Rants: Snake, Earthworm or Lizard – the debate heats up! 

Random Reviews: Collection Critique: Jordan’s Gigantic Stash!

Tales of the Trev: Redback Spider killing Blind Snake – my morning surprise!

Video: Redback Spider kills Blind Snake – television news report


And for all you Transformer fans out there:

Transformatorium: Transformers Wrist-Rest Mouse Pads

Transformer Multiverse Toy Galleries: Multiverse Grapple

Transformer Toy Reviews: Titans Return Soundwave


Thank you to all of you and if you have any suggestions on how I can improve the blog or something new you would like to see featured on here please give me a shout out!