Tag Archives: DVD

DVD/Blu Ray Review – Deadpool

Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth!  And the Merc with a hugely successful movie that out- grossed at the box office nearly every other Marvel movie to date!  Being a very dedicated Deadpool fan for many years I couldn’t wait for this flick to come out, and then being suitably impressed with it I then had the wait to buy my own copy.  Luckily for me Deadpool is now available on DVD and Blu Ray pretty much everywhere.

But is it worth getting?  Well if you loved the movie of course!  But often it’s the extras on a disk that can make one decide whether to buy it now or buy it for a third the price in a few years time.   I personally got the Blu Ray so here is a rundown of the extras on it to help inform your decision.  By the way, this review is working on the basis that you have already seen the movie itself.  If you haven’t – well it’s awesome!  Now that that is said, on with the extras!


 Deleted/Extended Scenes

Nothing of major note, although one particular one shows Deadpool using his wall calendar a lot to show the progression of years of searching for Francis.  I didn’t pick up in the movie that it took him years, and after seeing this deleted scene I had to really watch the movie carefully again to pick up that’s what happened.  There is a pretty full on scene with him down in Mexico too so overall they aren’t a bad watch.

Gag Reel

It’s just a bunch of the actors laughing when they stuff up their lines – nothing special.


Interesting to see the development of Deadpool’s suit and all the tiny changes they made.  But besides that, unless you are a CGI artist interested in how they designed the backgrounds and Colossus there is not a lot to hold your attention.

From Comics to Screen to Screen

Goes for about 80 minutes.  This is where you will see all the behind the scenes stuff.  It’s quite interesting to listen to how Deadpool actually getting made came down to the constant campaigning of 5 individuals (including Ryan Renyolds himself)  and all the hassle that came with getting this movie, not only to be released, but with the higher audience rating.  What was interesting was that every time the tiniest bit of a clip was shown from the movie it usually involved swearing, which is not a surprise, but nearly every interview with an actor or guest star took place at the strip club which was hardly in the movie at all!  This means that you see a lot of topless women in the background as the actors (and even Stan Lee!) talk to camera – between that and the language if you held out illusions that even if you could not watch the movie while the kids were about you could at least watch the extras, those illusions are now shattered. Boobs and bad words abound!  But then what did you expect – it’s friggin Deadpool!

Deadpool’s Fun Sack

This is mainly made up of all the PG trailers that appeared in cinemas and on youtube and then their more mature versions (swearing, graphic violence etc) that appeared on the official website.   However there are a lot of little extras like Deadpool celebrating Australia Day, Chinese New Years and the like.  In particular I found to be both funny and disturbing the video shot in a park at night with Deadpool hanging out with a bunch of little kids dressed as various X-Men – made me laugh as a fan and cringe as a parent all at the same time.  I shan’t go into detail – you need to watch it for youself.

Audio Commentaries

I haven’t had a chance to listen to them yet and not sure I will get to.  If anyone has and wants to clue the rest of us in, feel free to tell us about it in the comments section at the bottom of this page.


Having the Blu Ray, I was impressed by the picture and audio quality though it’s certainly nothing majorly special compared to others.  And I quite enjoyed the majority of the extras on it.  So really in the end your purchase choice will come down to the following factors:

*If you liked the movie, buy the DVD (currently $19)

*If you loved the movie, buy the Blu Ray (currently $29)

*If you didn’t like the movie, are you really still reading this review?  I mean, really?

Happy watching!