Movie Review – Bumblebee

Over the past 5 live-action Transformer movies we’ve come to expect certain things.  From the humans:  wacky, half-psychotic characters and overly-sexualized stereotypes.  From the robots:  zero characterization and dialogue, overly-complex bodies and fight scenes one has no hope of following.  Throw in a few convoluted plots and some smutty humour and badda-bing badda-boom, another TF movie pumped out by Hollywood.

However Transformers 6 – Bumblebee, seems to be something different.  Something GOOD!

What a delightful breath of fresh air this movie is!  It contains none of the issues listed above, and replaces them with relatable characters, great dialogue and a lot of heart!


The Plot (yes, there is one this time!)

The Bumblebee movie is actually a prequel to the last 5 movies, set in 1987.  Bumblebee comes to Earth, after a 10 minute opening scene which will have every G1 fan looking for the tissues for their eye ducts (and possibly elsewhere) due to the amount of fan service contained within.  The first 10 minutes is based on Cybertron and showcases G1 characters actually looking like G1 characters, still in their Cybertronian modes having a huge battle!  They are all there Soundwave, Shockwave & The Seekers all blasting away at the likes of Wheeljack, Arcee, Brawn, Ratchet and so on.  Seeing the battle will be lost, Optimus Prime orders the Autobots to evacuate Cybertron and sends B-127 to prepare a base for them on the aforementioned Earth.

Arriving on Earth, B-127 is almost immediately attacked by the US Army (their involvement one thing that has not changed) and then near killed by Blitzwing, the only character in the movie bearing no resemblance to his G1 incarnation (besides having a jet mode).  B-127 loses his voice, loses his memory, and manages to scan a Volkswagen Beetle  before going dormant.

We now get introduced to the heroine of the story – Charlie.  Just turned 18.  But unlike Sam Witwicky she doesn’t seem like a nutjob.  And unlike every female character before her, she seems to dress in a way that doesn’t border on the pornographic.  In fact, Charlie turns out to be a very endearing character that the viewer comes to care about.  This was a very smart move on the part of the new writers and directors, going with a female-teen instead of a male and keeping sexuality completely out of it.  It stops them retracing old ground from the TF1 and good on them.  In fact all the humans are fairly likeable and all seem to serve a purpose to the plot, rather than being thrown in for the sake of it.

You know what? It IS as sweet as this pic suggests!

At the same time this is happening, the only two completely new robot characters in the movie – the Decepticons Shatter and Dropkick make an appearance.  In fact starting off by torturing Cliffjumper on one of Saturn’s moons looking for B-127.  They soon find their way to Earth, adopt car alt-modes, (and later secondary flight alt-modes) and search for the missing Autobot in order to find Optimus.  They trick the human army into letting them use their equipment and the race is on!

Bad guys with dialogue – what a twist!

From there it could be said to be the usual.  Charlie reactivates B-127, freaks out, he freaks out, they bond, they have some loveable adventures, they get found by the military, he saves her, she saves him, he saves her again, they get found by the Cons, have a huge fight and then save the day.  It’s kinda predictable but is an enjoyable ride and very entertaining to watch.


Continuity Errors

Being a prequel, this movie should match up with the previous 5 and set the stage for TF1.  It doesn’t.  There are multiple continuity errors brought up in this, such as Bumblebee only arriving in 1987 when yet in The Last Knight he was shown to be present during WWII.  Optimus arrives on Earth that same year rather than in 2007.  The Transformers know English rather than learning it from the world wide web.  There are many more but you get the drift.  To be honest, this really should have been a reboot rather than a prequel, as this is far better than anything that has come before and I’d rather have the new ideas than the old.


G1 Goodness!

What?! Arcee isn’t a motorcycle that goes around on one wheel and has a face like a smashed in colander?!

For your G1 fans, this is the movie you always wanted.  Bumblebee is a VW Bug.  Optimus is a short-nosed truck with a big silver trailer.  The Seekers on Cybertron are Tetrajets.  Everyone looks like everyone hoped they would all the way back in 2007.  There are plenty of Easter Eggs, it brought joy to my heart to see my son whoop with joy when Bee started playing ‘You’ve got the Touch’ when encouraging Charlie to dive.  It’s… it’s just beautiful!


A PG Rating

Another smart move made by the makers of this film is making it PG rated.  A lot of the adult Transformer fans have become pretty jaded from the last four films in particular, so this enabled the producers to open this flick up to a younger audience untarnished by Michael Bay scrotum jokes.  And it’s worked.  My son turned 6 three days before TF6 was released, so it was perfect to take him and his friends to.  And they loved it!  Some kids that age might find a few things scary, but most will enjoy it.  No blood from the 2 humans that get killed, minimal swearing, zero sexuality.  It was a smart way to go.


So worth watching?

Yes.  YES.  A thousand times yes!  This is the movie we hoped for many years ago!  So much heart and character and humour and joy!  Great for kids, amazing for G1 fans; the only ones disappointed will be those in love with the Bayverse and those folk are hard to find these days.  Take the whole family out to see this, you will not be sorry!


Got something to add?  Pop it in the comments section below!


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Scalpers: A-Holes of the Collectors World

Scalpers – the bane of collectors everywhere.

Nasty little parasites who eagerly buy up all the figures they can and then flog them for twice the price.  Evil pricks without an empathy or remorse.

No, I don’t like scalpers – no sir!

Now I want to make a distinction here.  I don’t consider scalpers people who sell rare old toys for a lot of money.  Yes sometimes the prices they ask are ludicrous, but there is no rule saying you have to buy what they are selling.  You need food.  You need water.  You need sleep and shelter.  You don’t need action figures.

So if someone has an old toy from the 80’s that they are selling for 10 times what it originally cost, I don’t consider that scalping.  The toy is not available anywhere else, it’s been maintained for 30 years, chances are there is someone out there that is willing to pay the larger amount and be happy with getting a long sought figure.  That’s fine, no problem

No, what I consider a scalper is some unscrupulous sod that goes from store to store (and even online) when a new figure is released, buys every single one, then is selling them on eBay half an hour later for twice the price or more.  In those cases you are a scalper sod.  A prick of the highest level!  Because you are stealing the opportunity for others to buy the item fair and square and then making them come to you to buy it at an inflated cost.


As a Transformer Collector, I have seen 3 major incidents of scalping over the last 6 years:


  1. 2013 – Hasbro Masterpiece Soundwave

Everyone was so excited for this figure!  An MP Soundwave with 5 cassette warriors included! Personally I got on the American Toys’R’Us website the moment it was listed and refreshed the page for an hour until I finally got one in my basket.  Only then to be thwarted at the checkout with ‘This item does NOT ship internationally’.  Would have been nice for them to have that on the product listing.  No wonder the company went out of business.

Half an hour later the item was completely sold out.  And surprise surprise, within the hour those Soundwave’s were being listed on eBay for twice the price. Usually with the disclaimer ‘shipping will be delayed two weeks’ because these pricks didn’t even have the figure themselves yet!

The same thing happened in the US when Soundwave hit the physical TRU stores.  People were walking in the moment the doors opened, taking every single MP Soundwave off the shelves and then going through the checkout.  So if you came in at 10am – too bad!  You want that toy now?  You have to go online and pay the bastard that came in at 9 twice the price!


  1. 2015 – Combiner Wars Devastator
Picture provided by fans still annoyed years later

Rather famously here in Aus, there were several people (and I use the term loosely) in particular that went from store to store in Capital Cities and bought every single one!  Once again, those figures were then listed online for twice the price within a day.  The outrage on the Aussie TF chat forums was palpable.  But to show the lack of ethics and empathy inherent within your average scalper, one seller even went online showing a photo of himself with a stack of Devastator’s and thanked the irate members of the Ozformers site for all the free publicity.


  1. 2018 – Heavily Discounted TLK Figures.
What the items cost in stores…

This has just happened within the last week here in Australia.  Big W had a sale where a large range of figures from The Last Knight were being sold in stores at incredible discounts.  Most notably Voyager class figures were going for $5!  So many TF fans were rushing to stores to pick up figures they had previously been unable to afford, only to find the shelves empty. Why?  Because the F’ing scalpers had bought them all and stuck them on eBay – that’s why!

…what the toys cost a few days later. Only a bit over 15 times the price!


So why do scalpers annoy me in particular?

This last incident, despite affecting my collecting the least, has annoyed me the most.  I was lucky enough that a friend in the US was able to find a lone MP Soundwave sitting in a TRU for me, and likewise my mother-in-law was able to find a CW Devastator in Bathurst by asking the staff who luckily still had two sitting in their storeroom, the shelves themselves now bare.  I missed out on the TLK figures last week but, for myself, I don’t really mind.  I would have liked to pick some up at that price but it’s not like they were figures I felt I had to have.

No, what annoyed me about this last incident is it was robbing struggling families of the opportunity to buy a big toy at a cheap price at Xmas time.  There are a lot of families doing it tough and can barely afford to eat, let alone get their kids a decent present.  Especially out here in rural NSW where we are still in the midst of a shocking drought.

Transformers aren’t the cheapest of toys, and there are lots of little boys and girls who will never own one because their parents can’t afford it.  Some of these kids wonder, when they have been good all year, why Santa won’t even bring them a little robot, whilst the kid up the road who habitually beats them up gets a PS4 under their tree.  For those kids and their parents, the opportunity to buy a $50 Optimus Prime for only $5 would have been a godsend at Xmas!  But nope, the scalpers had to go and buy them all up first and now eBay is awash with them.  Bastards!


So scalpers out there, I say this to you: You are scum.  You are filth.  You have no kindness or empathy in your hearts.  I may not believe in God but I do believe in karma and I hope you never sell a single figure.  I hope that under your Xmas tree this year you find naught for yourself as you don’t deserve a gift.  And I hope most of all that maybe you meet one of these struggling families one day and you have to stare into the face of those whose opportunity to give their kid a happy Christmas you stole.  Maybe that might make you finally have some self-reflection.  Because right now you are not a part of humanity, you are simply a leech that feeds of it.


Got something to add? Pop it in the comments section below!


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Hard Times for Aussie Collectors


Book Review: A Die Hard Christmas

Ask nearly any guy over the age of 30 what their favourite Christmas movie is and the answer will come back like a shot – ‘Die Hard’.

Yep, Die Hard 2 was set at Xmas as well and was also awesome, and there are plenty of other great Xmas flicks, but Die Hard – like John McClane – always wins.  Before digital special effects, before movies going for nearly three hours, there was a cop caught in Nakatomi Plaza crawling around air ducts killing bad guys and making smart-arse quips.

Die Hard was AWESOME!

And now, three decades after the movie’s release it’s been put into book form – an Illustrated Holiday Classic!

Taking is structure from ‘Twas the Night Before Xmas’, this Xmas book outlines the movies story from start to finish, in a jolly Xmas narrative which will have any fan of the Die Hard franchise going ‘F*ck yeah!’


This book is definitely intended for grown-ups, as what Die Hard book would be complete without all the gratuitous blood and violence?


I don’t want to go into too much detail as it is a short book (but quite reasonably priced at roughly $16au) and if I put too much into this review I will spoil it for people.  So all I will add is that if you are struggling to think of a pressie for someone special this Xmas, and that someone special is in particular an over 30’s guy, then GO BUY THIS BOOK!  HE WILL FRIGGIN LOVE IT!

And I’ll let the book sign off, as there is no way it could be done any cooler:

Got something to add?  Pop it in the comments section below!


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The Playmate and the PM: Anderson vs Morrison

In today’s rant I’m going to offer an opinion that will fly in the face of what most people are saying on social media.
The Pamela Anderson/Scott Morrison thing has been blown WAY out of proportion.

For those that don’t know, Pamela Anderson has been vocal about supporting Julian Assange and saying that the Australian Government should take action to save him from political persecution by the US.  So that’s fine, no problemo.   Personally I don’t really give a stuff when overseas celebrities have something to say about our politics, but then I’ve commented on social media about stuff Trump does so it’s not like I’m any better.

When asked about Anderson’s comments on commercial radio, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said:

“I’ve had plenty of mates have asked me if they can be my special envoy to sort the issue out… um, with Pamela Anderson”

Now not the most PC thing to say I admit. In fact it was dismissive and pretty stupid.  But lets look at it in context shall we?


Pamela Anderson has made and sometimes still makes a living from being a sex symbol. In the past she appeared naked plenty of times in magazines. Did a video Playboy special (back in the VHS days) where she was not only naked but had a prolonged simulated sex-scene with some muscular bloke – so we are talking softcore pornography here. Did a few movies where she either wore tight black leather or nothing at all and plenty of sex scenes there too.  She even did the voice of ‘Striperalla‘, a cartoon which was mainly based on huge breast jokes.

Nothing wrong with any of this.  Nothing.  If that’s how you make your living and you are happy doing it and it hurts no one then more power to ya.  I know I had Pam’s poster up on my wall when I was 18.

These days, at age 51, she tries to portray herself as an activist and, when it suits her agenda, pretend the last 30 years didn’t exist.   But she spent decades purposely portraying and marketing herself as a sex symbol, it’s how she made her fortune. And she was more than happy to do so and be known for it when it meant the millions and movie roles kept rolling in. And she is still happy to, again – when it suits her agenda, use her sex-symbol status as can be seen in the (heavily airbrushed) posters she did for PETA just last year where she is posing in a tiny bikini.

She obviously still cares deeply about her sex-symbol status as is evidenced by all the plastic surgery she has had done on her face alone in the past few years.  Though to be honest whenever I see a picture of her I can’t help but think of what comedian Bill Burr had to say ‘There is nothing wrong with looking your age!  Wouldn’t you rather look like a 53 year old human instead of a 35 year old leather sofa?’  And I hate to say it Pam but perhaps it would have been better just to do what most of us do and simply let nature take its course rather than try in vain to fight it with so many chemicals and surgeries.  Just a thought.


So considering what Pam has done and still does for a living, is someone saying their mates asked to be a special envoy to talk to you really so bad?


Pamela went on after the PM’s comment, long and loud and on every possible media outlet imaginable, calling the comments smutty and lewd.

Really?  Really Pamela? I’ve watched you simulate ******* a guy senseless.  You were happy for a sex tape of you and your hubby to be spread all over the net when it got you back in the spotlight. Some might say those things are smutty and lewd.  All this guy said his mates would love to talk to you.  Stupid but hardly the worst you’ve ever heard I’m sure.


Pamela has stated that yes, she used to do highly sexualized roles but doesn’t give people the right to make sexual comments.  That’s fair enough and I agree with her.  Fully. But really, this was a stupid but very mild thing to say.  It was a comment in the context of addressing the statements of a celebrity who still actively promotes herself as a sex symbol.  If it had been a male sex-symbol he may have said his female friends were lining up to be a special envoy.  And if it was someone of either sex who was a librarian or a scientist or political analyst he may not have made such a flippant joke at all, or at least one that related to that persons chosen field as he did here.  But then who know’s, maybe he would have said something worse.  I certainly aint a fan of the man by any means.


In fact there is one main reason the Prime Minister should not have said what he said:

You are the Prime Minister of our country Mr Morrison and should hold yourself to a higher standard of discourse!  You represent us on the world stage.  Don’t stoop to the level of a crowd pleaser, even if it is in a less formal context like commercial radio.  You should have ignored it or said she was entitled to her opinion, not make a comment that makes you look dismissive of women and like a sexist dickhead!

And Pam?

Get off your hypocritical high horse would ya!  You are completely entitled to your point of view and to state it to whomever you choose.  But don’t pose in bikini’s for PETA to further one agenda and then pretend that it was incredibly offensive for a man to say his mates would love to meet you in order to further another.  Decide if you want the world to see you as a sex-symbol or want to leave that world behind.  You can’t have it both ways.  You just cant.


I think I’ll be actively turning off my TV or radio next time one of them comes on – I don’t want to hear anything either of them have to say.


Got a different opinion on all of this (I’m sure there are many that do).  Feel free to write it in the comments section below.


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Toy Review – POTP Inferno

Finally we seem to be getting some of the Wave 3 figures from the Power of the Primes toyline on Australian shelves, a long wait for many of us who no longer do our shopping overseas online due to the GST.  There is only one Voyager class figure in this wave and it’s a character that had their last Generations toy come out a full 10 years ago – everyone’s favorite firetruck – Inferno.



Robot Mode

Inferno has received a new head along the lines of his G1 incarnation.  This is predominantly the reason I ended up picking him up as otherwise he would have looked like either Hot Spot or Pyra Magna/Megaempress.   He comes with Hot Spots two guns which he can either hold in his hands, or be attached to the gestalt feet and then his back to form shoulder cannons.  The box artwork shows him having a windshield on his chest like his other incarnations, however the toy itself looks like every other character that shares the mould and has chest armour instead.  He is fairly tall and lanky which is at least kinda more reminiscent of his G1 heritage than the very stocky Universe version.


Vehicle Mode

Like all others of the mould he transforms into a Rosenbauer Panther 6×6 Fire Truck.  He has his big long white ladder back like the G1 version which I believe is an improvement over the water cannon the Universe and Energon versions sported.  However he is so long in this mode you can’t help but think ‘This is Hot Spot cosplaying as Inferno’.  His guns from robot mode can be affixed to the base of the ladder, giving Inferno some alt-mode combat options.


Combiner Mode

Don’t I look cheerful

I haven’t bothered to combine him here since he doesn’t even have a name for his gestalt mode.  At first I thought has been slight retooling from the Defensor version with a visor instead of individual eyes but then I realise the yellow paint app had just gone over the nose.  So really there is no difference except for the colour scheme.  The combiner mode will add a lot of play value for younger fans, however for the GeeWun crew it’s hard to think of Inferno has a Gestalt torso (even if the Energon version was a combiner too) and he wont get much play in this capacity.


Worth Getting?

It’s a hard call.  In some ways this version of Inferno is superior to the Universe version that came out a decade ago.  However in some ways he is inferior too.  If you have the Universe version of Inferno as well as any other version of this particular toy mould then this Inferno figure is an easy pass.  But on the whole it is still a good toy, a decent representation of the character and the combiner gimmick will be fun for many.  For the most part though I think I’ll be playing with my Masterpiece version more.

Got something to say about this figure?  Pop it in the comments section below!


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Video – Magpie vs Goanna

Yesterday I posted a short video showing a Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo trying to fend off a Monitor from it’s nest.

Well that cheeky Monitor is at it again!  This time up a different tree near our chook pens and, since the chookies are inaccessible, he was after a Magpies nest of eggs.

In the short upcoming video, you will see how the Magpies defense differs from that of the Cockatoo.  While both squawk as loudly as they can, the Magpie goes for a different attack and constantly swoops the Monitor at speed, trying to hit it with its pointy beak.  Of course this is a dangerous game; whereas the Cockatoo attacked the tail, the Magpie attacks the head and you can hear the audible snapping of the Monitors jaw as it tries to bite the Magpie on each one of its strafing runs.

So watch and enjoy the second video of ‘Battle of the Natives’: Magpie vs Goanna:


Sadly the Magpie was not as successful as the Cockatoo.  Later on in the afternoon my kids found two regurgitated eggs at the base of the tree – after all that fighting the Monitor couldn’t even keep the eggs down.


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Video – Cockatoo vs Goanna

Redback Spider killing Blind Snake – my morning surprise!

Video – Cockatoo vs Goanna

Living on a farm can be fun in a scary kind of way sometimes.  Not all our native creatures are always friendly, and sometimes they really don’t get along with each other, seeing each other as rivals or, more often, dinner.

Two years ago on my old farm I witnessed a Redback Spider killing a Blind Snake (I was later informed by several leading Australian reptile experts it was in fact a Lerista Skink that the spider was chowing down on).  That was quite the sight to see!

Yesterday on our new farm I saw two other native Australian creatures in conflict that I never expected to be enemies.  These were in fact a Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo and a Lace Monitor.

The Monitor, a solid 2 meters in length, had been sniffing around our duck and chook pens looking for some eggy snacks, but when I approached quickly scaled a nearby tree, where he camped for a while.

​But his belly must still have been rumbling because soon he caught the scent of the nest of eggs the Cockatoo had several branches above and decided to slowly sneak his way up for a snack.

This short video shows the Cockatoo taking issue with this.  Whilst not silly enough to attack the Monitor head on, the Cockatoo did its best to ward this raider off.  It did this by shrieking loudly, flaring its wings and crest and attempting to bite the Monitors tail with his beak.  He eventually does a quick fly-by and gives it his best shot.

So enjoy this ‘Battle of the Natives’ in this video: Cockatoo vs Goanna.


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Review – Metroplex Pack: Transformers TCG

A few months ago the Transformers: Trading Card Game was released.  Much like Magic: The Gathering, this game focuses on using different characters whom you instil with different defences, attacks and upgrades, to take out the opposing team, all whilst taking advantage of their own unique abilities.

Now, not long after it’s release, we have the first committed deck since the Starter Pack – the Metroplex Deck.  Due for international release on November 16th, this deck appears to offer a whole new element to what is quickly becoming a popular and addictive game.

Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro have been kind enough to send me for free both the Starter Pack as well as the new Metroplex Deck so as to do a review on this blog.  It should be noted that I have received no financial remuneration to write this, nor have either company tried to dictate the content of my review.  So I’d like to thank Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro for their generosity.

Luckily for them, I’m pretty taken with these packs so their generosity might just get rewarded through subsequent honesty.

This review is focused primarily on the Metroplex Deck, and in writing this I make the assumption that in reading it you are already familiar with Transformers: TCG and the various gameplay strategies it entails.  If not then by all means check out the official website to see how the game works, then come back to get all the new extra information here.


The Metroplex Deck offers the following:

*1 Titan Character Card: METROPLEX

*3 Character Cards: SCAMPER, SIX-GUN and SLAMMER

*Ready to play Battle Deck of 40 Cards


New Characters

Now the first thing you will notice is the Metroplex Card.  It is HUGE!  19.5cm x 14cm.  Like the Transformers character it is based on, it dwarfs the regular character cards.  And so do some of his stats:

Robot Mode – 6 Attack, 35 Health, 1 Defense

City mode – 4 Attack, 35 Health, 2 Defence

Now these Attack and Defence stats are pretty common but his Health is MASSIVE!  The most a character has had up to this date has been 21 with Cosmos, and Metroplex outshines him by a full 14 points!

The other is his Stars.  Each team can have a total of 25 Stars spread over their character cards, which usually dictates a team of 2 to 4 characters.  However Metroplex has 25 on his own!  This makes him a team unto himself.  A team of one… or so it would seem.

Anyone familiar with the G1 cartoon and toy representations of Metroplex will remember he had 3 sidekicks.  First Scamper who turned into a Cybertronian Battle Car, Six-Gun who would disassemble his robot form into Weapons useable by Metroplex, and Slammer who was a drone tank.  All three are represented here.  And all three are subordinate to Metroplex in a way we will examine shortly.  However before doing so it is worth noting that these characters are useable in regular teams.  With their relatively low 4 Star ratings, if you have a team made of 21 Stars, one of these guys is perfect to round up the numbers.


Character Abilities

Metroplex differs from other character cards in many respects, and not just by his size.  Hidden underneath Metroplex are the three sidekick cards.  Whenever you flip your Metroplex card from Robot to City side, he is able to deploy one of these characters.  This makes flipping every opportunity you get essential, as you need to get him to robot mode and back again in order to deploy another character.  This in of itself is perhaps more important than the almost inconsequential differences between the Attack and Defence stats of his two modes.

Each sidekick has different abilities.  Slammer for instance, being a drone, has no robot mode and will deal out 1 Attack Damage to every enemy bot when first released.  This makes him a favourite to bring out first in order to hurt as many enemy bots as possible before you KO any of them.

Scamper and Six-Gun’s various abilities rely on Metroplex still being on the board as they mainly power up his abilities.  Whilst this makes them a boon to your main Metroplex card, it lessens their value considerably when being used in a team which does not contain the Titan.


Dedicated Battle Deck Cards

The Metroplex Deck is designed to be used by a single player against an opponent.  As such it has dedicated cards that are of no use in a regular deck, but are very advantageous when using with this dedicated team.

Rally The City allows an extra card per character you have out (if you still have Metro on the board).

Height Advantage gives Bold 4 so when you use Metroplex to attack you get to flip 4 extra cards.

Protected by Metroplex means that you can transfer any damage being inflicted on your sidekick characters to Metroplex instead.  Out of the three cards I found this one to be the most useful.  Given Metroplex’s huge Health and the extremely poor Health of his Sidekicks (all pretty easy to knock out in a single round) it helps to keep these little guys on the playing field for an extra turn or two.


In Gameplay

I wont go into all the technicalities and ins and outs of using this deck against an opponent as there are just too many scenario’s to cover.  However I can point out some trends I found when pitting the Metroplex Deck against a team made up of the Starter Pack:

*When playing the Basic Game (not using special abilities etc) which I played with my 5 year old son, the advantage tends to lean slightly in favour of Metroplex, even without his ability to deploy the smaller bots.  His Health is just so massive, and combined with a 6 Attack Rating in robot mode, means you are able to withstand the onslaught he receives from being the only target on the board as you KO your opponent’s cards one by one.  He is by no means invincible, but he is definitely hard to beat.

*When playing the Advanced Game which I played with a bunch of my nerd peers, surprisingly the advantage tends to lean slightly towards the opponent, even with you being able to deploy Scamper, Slammer and Six-Gun.  Your opponent using the Special Abilities of cards means that your three smaller bots are often KO’ed as soon as they hit the board, with only a Protected by Metroplex card having a hope of saving them.  You may find that your opponent often uses this strategy, going after the little guys as soon as they are able before focusing back on the big guy.

Also with more bots being on the opposing team, the opposition has the chance to have more Upgrade, Attack and Defence boosts in play as well as having a greater range of opportunities to use their characters synergistically with each other.  Once again, it is by no means impossible to defeat your opponent, but it can be a hard road with a bit of luck required to take the win.


So is this Pack worth buying?

If you are a Transformers: TCG player then it is a most definite yes!  The introduction of a Titan Card adds a whole new element of gameplay, and the pack comes with 4 characters and three action cards that you cannot purchase anywhere else.  It would have been nice to see Trypticon released first (as I’m sure he eventually will be) as it means the two dedicated packs released thus far have all Autobots in them (the Starter Pack containing Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Red Alert and Ironhide).  Part of the fun of anything remotely Transformers is pitting Autobot against Decepticon and I actually went out and purchased some Booster Packs just so I could play out some of these scenarios (luckily for me I scored both Starscream and Megatron).  I would also have liked to see Scamper and Six-Gun have at least one inherent ability each which would be useful within a regular team that does not involve Metroplex, giving these characters more scope for play.

However despite the onus still being on the Autobot side, this pack is definitely worth picking up.  I look forward to its general release in a week in the hopes one of my friends picks one up so that I can battle Metroplex Deck against Metroplex Deck – now that truly will be a clash of the titans!

Got anything to say about this Expansion Pack?  Would love to read it in the comments section below!


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Movie Review – Tremors 6: A Cold Day in Hell

Tremors.  A flick about big monster worms that come out from under the ground and eat people.

That’s what most people think of when you mention a Tremors movie.  What most people don’t know is that it isn’t just the one movie – there have been 4 sequels, a prequel and even a season-long TV series! 

Tremors is actually one of the few Sci-Fi series that never seems to contradict itself.  There is a coherency throughout all its iterations, ranging from the evolution of the Graboids (the big underground man-eating worms) to the the individual human story arcs, even the very minor characters.  Plus the movies are just damn fun!

A ‘chick flick’ this is not

For my money Tremors 1 & 2 were by far the best of the flicks, and incidentally the only movies to get cinema release.  The next three were all straight-to-DVD releases and whilst good (especially Number 4 which was the prequel) none quite captured the fun of the first two.  Today we will be looking at the latest instalment in the Tremors franchise Tremors 6: A Cold Day in Hell.


The story starts off, as you can imagine, with a Graboid attack!  What makes this attack unique among all those featured in previous films is that it takes place in the snow, specifically a glacial area in Canada.  And when Graboids attack, who do you call for?  Burt Gummer – that’s who!

Have gun – will reluctantly travel

Burt Gummer (played by Michael Gross) is by far the star of the Tremors series, the only character to have appeared in all six films (though it was his ancestor in the prequel) as well as the TV series.  Burt is a jaded survivalist gun nut who likes living in Perfection Nevada because of its very low human population (and those that do live there often get eaten anyway) and its remoteness making it hard for the Government to interfere with him.

By the 6th movie, Burt is the only resident left in Perfection and is living in the run down remains of the town store.  However a visit from firstly a taxman saying Burt is about to lose what little he has, then one of the Canadian researchers along with Burt’s illegitimate son Travis (introduced in Tremors 5) prompts Mr Gummer back into action.

And from here the plot is really like all other Tremors films.  There are Graboids to deal with along with the occasional Ass-Blaster (another stage of the Graboid life-cycle first introduced in Tremors 3).  The Ass-Blasters retain their upgraded CGI look from T5 as do the Graboids – personally I thought both looked better before the reimagining, especially the Ass-Blasters which had previously resembled avian versions of Shriekers (another Graboid life-phase).  I would have liked to see some Shriekers included since its been a while since they were trotted out.  Gone is the concept of the Graboids three serpent-like tongues being detachable (T5) which personally I found to be out of line with established Graboid evolution (yes, I AM that much of a fan), however the tongues have retained their new power of sight (also introduced in T5) – you see one sneaking through a window to grab a lady and others dodging machete blows from Travis.

Ass-Blaster or Galgamex vagina?

There are minor plot lines contained within.  For instance Burt is slowly dying of a parasite he got from being eaten alive by a Graboid (T3) and needs liquid from a live Graboid in order to be healed.  There are DARPA agents that intend to bio-engineer Graboids into weapons and so on.  One of the key researchers, Valerie McKee, turns out to be the daughter of the two main characters from the very first movie.  But all of this is background noise to what is essentially another movie along the lines of a ‘Don’t move!  They sense vibration through the ground!’ mentality of your standard human versus Graboid movie we all expect.

Michael Gross and a bunch of actors you probably wont see in the 7th flick

Is this movie worth a watch?  Well if you are a fan of the series then of course!  Michael Gross does a stellar job as Burt Gummer yet again and there are monsters galore to shoot or be devoured by.  However if you are looking for something new here that you haven’t seen before from the franchise you will be disappointed.  Besides at the beginning of the film there are not even any action sequences in the snow, the remainder of the storyline takes place in a dry ‘hot spot’ which exists within the otherwise snowy landscape.

In short this film adds to the storyline of the human characters involved in Perfection but there is nothing new monster-wise and it lacks the fun and character of the first two movies.  However for those loyal followers of the series, it is at least another 90-minutes of Gummer fun.


Now take two teaspoons of cement and harden the hell up!

Got anything to say about this movie?  Would love to read it in the comments section below!

Ask Trev – Chickens: the balance between pet and livestock

Dear Big Trev,

No vets in Melbourne know anything about hens. Except for one who is two hours away and deals with prize winning pedigrees and expects you will want to spend lots of money doing anything you can to save a crook chook.

The online forums offer some basic advice but it’s so difficult to know what’s wrong with a sad hen.

There seems to be a fairly common theme of ‘cull her’ amongst the more rural hen keepers.

I don’t want to spend a mint taking a vet to the other side of the city for the best bird care in Melbourne but I’m not a ‘better just let her slowly die while I stand about not caring’ kind of chook owner.

So my question is : how do I find the happy medium between livestock and pets when it comes to my backyard hens?

Thanks, Maddy.


Well Maddy first off let me say how sorry I am to hear that you’ve been having trouble with the health of your dear Chookies.  I know the extent you go to provide them with excellent shelters, fresh food and medicine so I can confidently say it’s certainly not a lack of effort and caring on your part that this seems to be happening.

A great little pen for a suburban backyard

As you’ve pointed out, in big cities vets hardly work with poultry so don’t know how to deal with them.  Whilst a growing number of people keep a few hens in their backyard, in capital cities it’s primarily cats and dogs the vets deal with and that’s what they train in.  In the country vets tend to know a bit more about chickens, but as you also point out, there tends to be a ‘cull them’ mentality.  Chickens in the country are not birds people generally make emotional attachments to, and given they are not very expensive to replace most farmers will simply kill a crook chook and get rid of it before it has a chance to infect any other of the flock.

So if country vets are out and city vets are out, what does that leave us with?  The specialist vets like the one you have mentioned which is a two-hour drive away.  And indeed yes they deal with the ‘speciality breeds’ that people have mainly for shows.  I was amazed when attending a poultry auction in Bathurst a few months ago how much 3 small Silkies went for – more than I think I’ve spent on my entire flock combined!  In these cases vets feel free to charge a mint as there is a significant financial loss to the owner if they lose a bird.  What help is this to the backyard chook enthusiast? None.

Online forums can be tricky.  I mean, how do you know if the person who wrote what you are reading has any real idea what they are talking about?  Most loonies and know-it-alls end up on the net these days and will happily preach about that which they know little.


So back to your main question: how do I find the happy medium between livestock and pets when it comes to my backyard hens?

Ya can’t help but get at least a bit attached to such lovely creatures

It’s really finding the balance that works well for you.  You obviously have great affection for your chookies but not the same kind of love you would have for say a cat or dog.  I relate completely.  And anyone who thinks people don’t get attached to birds at all should have seen how upset my 5-year old son was when a wedge-tailed eagle nearly killed our Frizzle Rooster, poor little bloke was in tears and insisted on sitting with me in the pen while I tended to the rooster and, thankfully, was able to fix it up.  But if we had lost the Rooster, it would not be the same as losing our beloved Burmese Cat or Shetland Sheepdog.

If I may make a recommendation, I would stick with the most common and generic breeds of chicken.  They are usually not expensive, and it also means there is a wealth of information out there regarding any issues that may arise with them.  Also look for hardy breeds, in a big city like Melbourne chickens have to deal with a lot more noise and air pollution than they do in a rural setting and can be subject to greater amounts of stress than they would pecking around on a farm. Don’t go for the biggest chooks, they wont do well in a small yard.  Don’t go for the most prolific layers unless you want to treat them completely as livestock, as they tend to have shorter lifespans.  Don’t go for the fancy breeds unless you want to treat them completely as pets, they tend to be fragile and require a high level of maintenance.  For a happy medium between pet and livestock – common and hardy – that’s the ticket!  This will also stop you suffering too much of a financial loss if a chicken is lost.

By getting breeds that fit these two categories, it will mean you can have a few lovely chookies in your yard that shouldn’t get too sick too often, and you should be able to find information on them fairly easily.  Perhaps invest in a book or two about whatever breeds you select.  If sickness occurs you can always try ringing around various vets – you may at least be able to get some advice and some vets will actually give you a syringe of whatever elixir is needed to take home to treat your poultry yourself.  If no vets are helpful and you need to turn to the net, be selective about what sites you visit and see if several different reputable sites will have a consensus about what might be wrong.  Avoid the chat forums – that’s where all the self-professed experts (i.e. nutters) reside.


And sadly, to live in that happy medium between livestock and pets one has to realize that sometimes you will lose a bird no matter what you do.  We’ve lost chickens to heatwaves and hawks, and likewise lost ducks to travel-stress and foxes.  It’s always sad but it’s an inevitable fact of poultry ownership – sometimes the feathery buggers check out no matter what you do.  Between the dangers I just listed your chooks also have to deal with dogs, cats, eagles, lice, mites, fleas, ticks, intestinal worms, diseases and sometimes even each other.  Sometimes I wonder how they survive at all!


I hope this advice is of some help to you Maddy, and I hope your dear chookies get well soon.


Got any other advice for Maddy?  Pop it in the comments section below.


Related Articles:

Permaculture – Treating Mite Infestations in Chickens

Ask Trev: How to deal with molting chickens?

Ask Trev: Chicken Care Questions


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