Ask Trev: What is ‘the beginning and the end’ for Bunnings?

Today we have a question from Matt in Melbourne:

“The Bunnings slogan says ‘lowest price are just the beginning’. What’s it the beginning of and what’s the end?”

The beginning of what indeed

Well Matt, most companies and corporations are after two ends – becoming an economic powerhouse and your money.

However Bunnings is a bit different – the ends they covet are achieving the status of their own Religion and your very soul.

What do religions spruik as some of their top selling points?  A place to go on Sundays, the promise of improving your life and the greater promise of offering you an afterlife.


What does Bunnings offer?  A place to go on Sundays?  It sure does, it seemed that one of the places people have lamented most not being able to attend during the pandemic is Bunnings (unless you were a Karen, then you went anyway and made sure not to wear a mask).  You saw it everywhere – on social media, in news stories – everyone wailed and gnashed their teeth that they were unable to go down to this huge hardware store to pick up what they need for their Sunday arvo jobs.

‘And blessed be thee’

And while Christianity might offer you a wafer on a Sunday as the Body of Christ, Bunnings offers you a sausage in bread on a Sunday as the body of a cow – much more palatable in my opinion.


The offer of improving your life?  That’s Bunnings to a tee!  It’s all ‘why not build a patio to relax on?  Why not treat yourself to a new outdoor setting and a self-timed dripper system for the garden?  Why not improve your life in a million little ways with our help?’  And whilst most religions have priests, preachers, rabbi’s, monks and the like – Bunnings has ‘helpful staff to advise you on all your home renovation needs’.

Like all religions, there are funny hats for their earthly representatives to wear

Admittedly half the time these staff don’t seem to fully understand what they are talking about, but why should Bunnings be different to any other place of worship in that regard?


The promise of an afterlife? Well Matt, this is where ‘lowest prices are just the beginning’ comes in to play.  For:

‘In the beginning, did man walk upon the earth.  And doth did man say “My life is poor.  How shall I find peace and happiness?”.’

‘And lo, he heardeth a voice that seemed to commeth from the air itself “Thou shalt build an outdoor deck.  And this deck shall be made of the finest treated pine timber, have bevelled railings and a breakfast seat for two”.’

‘And man did cry “But how shall I buildeth this deck upon which to break my fast?  For I am but a humble man who hungers greatly – I have neither food to eat nor gold for lumber”.’

‘And the voice did call out “Thou shalt easily afford the materials thee needs for thy labours.  For thee shall eat of the fatted calf in bread, yea, even with tomato sauce and onions if thou wishes!  And thou shalt taketh the wood thou dost need, for the prices be low.  And these low prices for thee will be but the beginning!”.’

‘And doth did the man eateth of the sausage in the bread.  And doth did he getteth the treated pine he did require, alongeth with some discounted railing posts, self-tapping screws and a nice new cordless drill with full set of attachments.  And lo the deck was built’.

‘From that day on, every Sunday did the man visit Bunnings and worship humble. And yea did his life improve week upon week, especially after the new barbeque pit.  And when the man’s life was at its end, his grateful and weary hand laid down his circular saw with retractable blade and was at rest’.

Come all ye faithful

‘And as his spirit did ascend, it approached the great green shed of paradise with its excellent parking, yea, even if thou broughteth a trailer.  And the helpful staff did look upon the works the man had made in life. And yea, they were most impressed with the gazebo he had built with it’s recessed lighting and lattice trim around the arches, and he was ushered through the glass sliding doors to the great beyond.  Doth did he enter the end, an existence of eternal bliss, where the shelves were always full and the snags were perfectly cooked, and as looked about him the man did realise that indeed, low prices had only been the beginning.’

‘So endeth the lesson’.


So perhaps think twice when next Sunday comes round.  Do you really wish to worship a great red hammer, like so many communists have before you?

Coincidence? Hmmmm…

Or do you wish to remain a free-thinking person, able to decide for yourself what handyman jobs you wish to do or not do?  As for your eternal spirit, would it want to push one of those annoying trolleys with the long flat bottom and tiny basket on top around fertilizer isles for the rest of eternity?  I think not.

So visit a local & locally owned hardware store once in a while and put some money in their collection till instead.  After all, no one wants to live in a world where the Holy Wars of the future will be fought between the Blessed of Bunnings and the Faithful of Mitre 10.


Thank you for your question Matt.


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‘The Big DJ Trev Show’ Promo Pics

As is my custom, each week I put up on various Social Media  (such as the Big Angry Trev! Facebook Group) promo pics reminding you good folk to tune in for some awesome music and witty (if sometimes somewhat insane) banter between me, myself and I on The Big DJ Trev Show! 

Please enjoy the first two dozen of those promo pics, including those from the weeks where I was lucky enough to have some co-hosts join me for the fun!

The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show
The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show

The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


Co-Host Shots

The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show


The Big DJ Trev Show
The Big DJ Trev Show


So don’t forget – 6 to 9pm AEST every Thursday – tune in to The Big DJ Trev Show on KRR-fm for kickass music and my own brand of lunacy, you wont be disappointed!


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Bean Boozled Flaming Five Challenge live on air!

World’s Hottest Corn Chips Challenge live on air!

Being named Karen in a world of “Karen’s”

When a celebrity comes forth that has the same name as you, it can be kinda annoying.  How many Keanu’s out there spent years being asked ‘what’s it like in The Matrix?’ for example.

Well sometimes it can be worse, especially when the name you were innocently given at birth by loving parents gets associated with something negative (the name Adolph doesn’t get used much anymore eh).  And now in the 21st century one of those names is Karen.

So whats it like being named Karen in a world where ‘Karen’ has become such a negative connotation – a pejorative rather than a first name if you will?  To find out I asked my cousin Karen, who though Karen by name is definitely not a ‘Karen’ by nature.

One of the lovely ones 🙂

*Please Note: to avoid confusion, the adjective usage of Karen will always appear in italics with talking marks – ‘Karen’; it’s usage as a first name will be simply Karen.


Over the past few years ‘Karen’ has become an increasingly popular term to describe women that are privileged and demanding, insisting on their own way, becoming used as the adjective ‘Karen’ rather than simply a first name.  How does it feel to have your birth name used as an insult to others?  It is irritating or something you just laugh off? 

Well at first it was funny and I myself got a good laugh out of it… especially with the “Covid Karen” Now I’m starting to find it a little annoying and offensive and I find myself saying (when I’m asked for my name) “I’m not one of those Karen’s!”


The term ‘Karen’ to describe a woman who feels the desire to complain first cropped up in 2016 and then gained popularity in 2017 from where it has continued to spread.  Do you think it will eventually disappear to be replaced by something else, or is the term here to stay? 

I think it will eventually be replaced by another name but I feel it will still pop up from time to time. Especially from my family.


In the town you reside in, in December 2019, a woman actually named Karen performed a very ‘Karen’ act which was trying (unsuccessfully) to rip down her neighbors Aboriginal Flag and questioning his ancestry.  The video of this went viral worldwide, earning the tag #toostrongforyoukaren and even lead to an anti-racism rally.  The incident has been resurrected in 2021 with the Karen in question currently attempting to sue over 30 news outlets that reported the story. How did it affect you that another woman named Karen did a ‘Karen’ act in your very own town, thereby reinforcing the idea that the name can be used as an insult against women?

‘Story run by one of the outlets being sued – note the lack of surname usage’

I was actually disgusted and angry at what happened here in 2019. I was actually embarrassed to tell people my name was Karen as the “Karen thing” went crazy everywhere.


In October 2020 the San Francisco Police Code officially introduced the Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies (CAREN) Act. This was to prohibit the fabrication of racially biased emergency reports – essentially to stop white women calling the police to come arrest black families who were guilty of nothing, something ‘Karen’s’ in the US are most well known for.  Do you think the ‘Karen’ phenomena is predominantly an American cultural issue, or do you think it is worldwide? 

I think it’s pretty much a world wide thing, just in different degrees. 


Some have said the insult ‘Karen’ is both sexist against females and racist against Caucasian women.  Where do you stand on this? 

I don’t find it sexist or racist. I don’t feel it’s aimed solely at white females in general. I’ve actually hear the “Karen tag” used on a couple of men.


I hesitate to ever use the term ‘Karen’ because of our relationship, and we are simply cousins who have not seen each other in many years and primarily interact with each other on Social Media.  What about the people closer to you in your life like friends and family, do they ever use the term ‘Karen’?  Or do they refrain from doing so because of their relationship to you? 

Well my family use it quite often! It’s a bit of an inside joke around our house, but they have never used it outside the house in front of others. I think they know that it was a bit of a joke to start with when it all first started but a few of the “Karen’s” have gone a bit to far and caused problems and it is no longer funny. 


Have you yourself ever watched any ‘Karen’ videos, such as the Bunnings Incident in Melbourne of last year? 

“I have the right to do whatever I want!”

Ohhhh yes… how could you miss it!! Plastered all over TV and social media. Bunnings “Karen” was a total disgrace and certainly didn’t do anything to help the “Karen Thing!”


And finally, what would you say to the following groups: 

*Other women named Karen: 

Well I guess while they are picking on “Karen’s” they are leaving someone else’s name alone. 

*Women who act like ‘Karen’s’

Don’t stereotype Karen’s… there are plenty of Julie’s or Jans (or whoever’s) out there who act just like “Karen’s”

*People that use the name Karen as an insult: 

Obviously they’re vocabulary is very limited 😂


Many thanks to my lovely cousin Karen for doing this interview.


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Video: World’s Hottest Corn Chips Challenge!

This week on The Big DJ Trev Show on we engaged in an extra bit of fun!  We had guest co-hosts Mangled Melsy and Red Hot Chilli Angle (better known as Mel & Brendan) in the studio, and they brought some goodies with them!

Yet again I was unable to resist pitting my tastebuds against the insanely hot (twice in one night in this case!).  And live on air Brendan & I engaged in the World’s Hottest Corn Chips Challenge!

For those of you who listened in and wondered what the whole process looked like, worry not!  We have videoed it for you!  So watch and enjoy.

Did you enjoy watching us in pain?  Well tune back in to  in the Spring when we tackle the World’s Hottest Gummy Bears!

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Video: Bean Boozled Flaming Five Challenge!

This week on The Big DJ Trev Show on we engaged in an extra bit of fun!  We had guest co-hosts Mangled Melsy and Red Hot Chilli Angle (better known as Mel & Brendan) in the studio, and they brought some goodies with them!

Yes, once again I was unable to resist pitting my tastebuds against the insanely hot.  And live on air Melsy, Angle & I engaged in the Bean Boozled Flaming Five Challenge!

For those of you who listened in and wondered what the whole process looked like, worry not!  We have videoed it for you!  So watch and enjoy.

Did you enjoy watching us in pain?  Well lucky you, there are more videos to come!


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Pick Brendan’s DJ Name

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Video: Trev vs Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce

Video: Kingdom Galvatron Review

Well kiddies, I know I usually do written reviews of Transformers, replete with fascinating details and lots of pics, but today is something different.  Today I, along with my good buddy Brendan, have created a video review.  And it’s of none other than that Unicron lackey, the big bad himself – Galvatron!

So sit back and enjoy this special video review of Transformers Kingdom Leader Class Galvatron – you wont be disappointed 😉



Got anything to say about this figure?  Pop it in the comments section below!


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Toy Review: Kingdom Rodimus Prime

Two years ago the Transformers line saw the introduction of the Commander Class – a toy scale a size up from the Leader Class.  In 2019 we got a fantastic Jetfire, followed last year by an equally great Sky Lynx.

This year with the release of Unicron, we are seeing a slew of figures based around the 1986 Transformers animated movie.  One of these was Hot Rod in the Studio Series line.  Now we get to see him all grown up as the Commander Class Kingdom Rodimus Prime.


Robot Mode

Extremely nice, and much better proportioned than the POTP Rodimus we got several years ago.  He looks extremely character accurate, both in proportions and colour scheme and even has the trademark grimace he usually wore since he was always stressing he wasn’t Optimus.  The figure has tight joints and numerous points of articulation.

Rodimus Prime also comes with his signature rifle, as well as the Sword of Primus that he wielded in the ReGeneration One comics.

Like most Prime toys, this Rodimus comes with a Matrix that can be removed.  Can make for some great scenes from the movie such as his transformation from Hot Rod and his destruction of Unicron.

Have Matrix, will travel
Growth Spurt
‘Light our darkest hour!’


Vehicle Mode

Good luck trying to overtake this on the cyber-highway

Damn that’s big!  Much bigger than the leader class POTP Rodimus we mentioned earlier.  For the most part he is cartoon and toy faithful, though the front of the car sticks out a little too far for my liking.  But perhaps there is no hard and fast rule as to what a Cybertronian Winnebago should look like.

This Rodimus has some features that most previous figures of the toy haven’t had.  One is that you can open up the back of his trailer which is a nice touch.  Another is that you can take the cannon emplacement from inside and put it on the top of the trailer for a sick battle mode.

What old people wish their Winnebago’s would do when other drivers honk

Rodimus can detach from his trailer and for once he still looks like Rodimus rather than Hot Rod.  The vehicle mode is stockier and makes it look a beefier version of Hot Rod, which Rodimus himself actually is.  In both modes you can attach what is shaped like exhaust flames, but coloured like exhaust fumes.  Whether they chose this so as to not add more yellow/orange I don’t know but its an odd aesthetic choice.


Battle Platform

The original G1 toys trailer could open up to reveal a cannon platform and that has been recreated really nicely here.  The cannon can swivel 360 degrees and can also detach with little tank tracks on the bottom.  Personally I would have liked to see the ramp at the front be able to fold down to touch the ground, but that is rectifiable by the connecting of a Battle Master, which also allows the platform to hook up to other playsets.



The trailer is dead easy.  I found the robot mode a tad fiddly in places but everything locks together very tightly and there was no point I got overly frustrated.


Worth Getting?

This would be the best mass-release Rodimus that we have had so I would say yes, despite the larger than usual price tag.  However if you already have the POTP version it’s pretty good and also has the option of turning into Hot Rod, so I wouldn’t trade in just yet.  It will be interesting to see if the upcoming Galvatron figure scales well with Rodimus, then we really will see if this toy is capable of lighting ones darkest hour!

Got anything to say about this figure?  Pop it in the comments section below!


Related Articles:

Toy Review: Sky Lynx

Toys Review: SS Hot Rod & Scourge

Toy Review: Haslab Unicron

Toys Review: POTP Rodimus & Optimus Prime

Competition: Pick Brendan’s new Disk Jockey name!

As regular listeners to The Big DJ Trev Show would know, a few months ago I had a couple of young lads sit in on my radio show for a couple of sessions.  The radio handles I gave them: Goat Boy & The Sack.

Unpaid Interns for my amusement


Well in two weeks time I have a couple of dear friends sitting in on the show for a night – Brendan & Mel.

Don’t they make a cute couple!

Being his first time on radio, Brendan has no announcer name of his own as yet.  So YOU get to pick it!

Write in the comments below your suggestions for DJ names for Brendan.  Then on the show we will announce the winning name on air!  Not only will he use that names for the entire show, but the winner will also get an on-air shout out and a song dedicated to them.


So put your suggestions in below and let the funniest and coolest entry win!  Make sure to listen to the 10th of June from 6 to 9pm to hear the winner!


Edit: And the winner was…. Red Hot Chilli Angle!

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Multiverse Unicron Toys Gallery

It’s been a long time since I did a Multiverse Gallery but if any figure warrants their return it’s Unicron!  So lets have a look at the Chaos Bringer in his myriad of toy forms.

Please Note: All pictures are my own figures unless otherwise stated.  Many thanks to M.K. Griffin for providing pictures of his different variants of the Armada Unicron Mold.


Smaller Unicron Figures

Toyline: Titanium


Toyline: Robot Heroes


Toyline: Tiny Titans


Toyline: Fast Food Premium
Planet Mode


Toyline: Cybertron


Toyline: Cybertron
Cyber-Tank Mode (missing Spurs)
Cyber-Key Mode


Toyline: Prime


Haslab Unicron

See full review HERE!

Toyline: War for Cybertron
Planet Mode


Armada Unicron & subsequent variants

(please check out for more pics of M.K Griffins impressive collection!) 


Group Photo’s


Related Article:

Multiverse Sky Lynx Gallery


Podscussion: Bad Toys you Still Love

Toys you think are objectively bad but for some reason you still love the things.

We all have a few in our collections, or at least we can think of ones out there that would fit the description.

G1. Home to the 3-step changers.

For his first foray into the Podcast world,  Tets of Tets’ Toys & Shenanigans decided to do a Podcast on this very topic, centered around Transformer toys specifically.  This included several guests including Paul and in the latter half yours truly (I come in at the 33:30 mark).  

So sit back and listen to what TF nuts do best – talk about the toys we love (even if we think they are not very good).



Related Articles:

TF Fan Interview: Paul








Join the Trevolution!