Category Archives: Videos

Clips and videos that I have graced with my subtle appearance and sublime acting prowess

Video: Trev wins $500 answering Transformers questions!

Being a dedicated JJJ listener I didn’t listen to Fox FM back when I lived in Melbourne.  But my girlfriend (now wife) did and on their morning show in 2006 they had a competition called Fan-Tastic!  Essentially you sent in an email discussing what you were a rabid fan of and if you sounded interesting you would get a follow-up call.  If that went well they would ring you one morning for a short interview about your obsession then ask you 3 questions on the subject.  Each time you answered correctly and the money went up with the option to take the money at any time – the max you could win was $500.


Well at my girlfriends suggestion I did indeed email them discussing my love of The Transformers.  I received the follow up call – not knowing that I was not on air I tried to be as amusing as possible.  This got me on air the following week and… well, best you watch the video and listen for yourself what happened eh!



Did you enjoy this video?  Would love to hear from you in the comments section below!

Redback Spider kills Blind Snake – television news report

My story of how I came across a Redback Spider killing a Blind Snake was briefly featured on a news report on Prime 7 tonight!  It can be viewed below:


Care to comment on the video?  Would love to read it in the comments section below! 

Related Blog Posts:

Redback Spider killing Blind Snake – my morning surprise!

Spider kills Snake – the media storm hits!

Snake, Earthworm or Lizard? The debate heats up!

Video – Big Angry Trev vs 15 Hot Sauces… in one bite!

Last year, after having it a few times at a friends house on their beautiful home-grown goat meat, I discovered I had a bit of a taste for Hot Sauces!  So when Fathers Day came around I found myself presented with a present with 15 Hot Sauces in it!


Now, we were having a big rib night at casa’ de Trev and my friends challenged me to eat all 15 Hot Sauces.  Their challenge was to try them all in one evening, but as ever I had to up the ante and decided I would take a big beef rib and try all 15 Hot Sauces in ONE BITE!  Then to take it even further (like the idiot I am), I decided that I would wash it down with ‘Chlli Beer’ – promised on its to bring tears to the eyes!

This video records the results.  Enjoy!



Incidentally, everyone that drank the chilli beer was coughing hard after the merest sip.  To me, with my fried throat and tastebuds, it genuinely tastes like water.

Video – London Bender

Though I had no hand in making this, and certainly would have edited out some of the more ‘revealing’ situations I appear in, the clip is a good precursor to an account I intend to write of “The Church” in England which is a tale certainly worth telling and this will put that story of debauchery in it’s true context.

Contains scenes of partial g-stringery, you have been warned!




As you can see, the clip disturbs even me – and I lived it!