Tag Archives: guilt

Househusband Tales #5 – The dreams of guilt

So here I am, six months into my new career as Househusband.  And I have started having dreams.

No, not the recurring dream I’ve had for the last 15 years, where I am in a toy store finding all these rare Transformers, but whenever I get to the checkout my basket is empty.  Nor the dream where all the girls I went to High School with think I am now unbearably sexy, but my car breaks down on the way to the orgy.  Not even the dream with all the flying teeth, the marmoset and the repeating accordion music.

No, in these dreams I have gone back to work.

Dreams where you are at work AND still in your pajamas are just the worst!

The dreams are all pretty much the same.  I’ve slunk back to my old place of work in order to take up the career I left behind.  I’m trying to do the best I can at my job, whilst anxiously trying to avoid the gaze of my bosses – which come to think of it is what I was always trying to do when I actually did work there (and every other place I was ever employed).


I know what is behind these dreams.  It’s not a desire to go back to my old career – its guilt.

That’s right, guilt.  I stay at home while my wife goes off to work and it’s getting to me.


I’m wondering if other Househusbands experience this kind of guilt.  Perhaps it dates back to the cavemen.  The caveman went out during the day, defending the home from sabre-toothed tigers and clubbing huge hairy mammals into submission to bring back for the cavewoman to skin and cook up.  And thousands of years later my man instincts are telling me that I should be the provider, making sure there is meat on the table for my woman and offspring.  Certainly the few male friends I’ve made since we moved up here have manly jobs – most of them work in the mines.  They break rocks while I play dollies with my daughter.  Yes I have big plans on how to make money out of our farm, but those will take years to bear fruit.  Does that make me the equivalent of an unemployed drummer, living off his girlfriend while he assures her that ‘one day our band is gonna be big baby!’?

‘Get out and do some manly work ya bum!’

All sounds very misogynistic I know, but I don’t think that’s exactly where my brain is coming from.  It’s not that I have any problem with my wife working.  I don’t feel that she should be at home – it’s I feel I should be out working.  When I was the one working, my wife still had income coming into the family home via maternity leave pay.  I’ve gone from an annual 6 figure income to a 3 figure one – not exactly a ‘pay off the house’ wage.  On the upside it’s helped me keep away from cigarettes, no way can I justify spending my wife’s hard earned money on cancer sticks for myself.  On the downside, it means that financially we rely on her completely, which my subconscious tells me is not fair on my beautiful bride.


Maybe it’s a ‘not having a job’ thing.  I’ve either being doing educational courses or working (or often both) since I was 16.  To not be studying and to not be going to a place of employment – it’s great but again… those dreams.

‘Protect me from the nightmares with your cuteness Mr. Milo!’


Part of me is telling my subconscious to shut the hell up.  That I enable my wife to be able to work.  I make her coffee every morning and pack her lunch.  I take care of the kids and the house while she is out and then cook her dinner every night.  I make sure she has clean clothes to go to work in, though the one job I always still ask of her is folding and ironing – I’m pretty crap at both.

But then another part of me is saying that that part it is full of shit.  My wife could easily make her own coffee & she could go to a cafe during her lunch break.  We could get babysitting for the kids on the days they are not at preschool.  We could share the cooking, washing and general household chores.   That part yells that my wife could still work without me being at home, that I’m just making excuses.


So what is the answer?  I don’t know.  I certainly can’t go back to my old career – it was in another state and we aint moving again any time soon.  Our new location is so remote there are very few jobs to be had and even if there were there are no dedicated daycare facilities for the kids up here.  And this farm actually does take a lot of looking after – 120 acres does not just care for itself.


So maybe I need to feed the part of me yelling at my subconscious some rare steak, some raw eggs and a few beers so it can beef up and drag my subconscious into my brains equivalent of a back-alley to kick seven shades of shit out of it.  Maybe I need to not be a deep-down misogynist and realise we are not cavepeople and it doesn’t need to be me subduing the sabre-tooth tiger.  Maybe I need to take the long view and remember that when both our kids are at school in a couple of years I’ll be in a position that I can bring money into the household once again.

Or maybe I need to stop whining, stop the self-guilt and be grateful for how good I’ve got it.


Are you a Househusband and experienced these feelings?  Or maybe you can shed light on this kind of existential drama?  Would love to read it in the comments section below!



Related Posts:

Househusband Tales #4 – Judgement Day

Househusband Tales #1 – Pampering Poorly Perfected 

Random Rants: It’s valid for you to feel stressed

It’s valid for you to feel stressed

Stress.  Ironically in a country where it could be argued we’ve never had it so good, more and more people are suffering from it in Australia.

And I never thought I’d be among those ranks but I’m one of them.

Stress is a bastard of a thing.  It stops you sleeping, it stops you eating properly, it makes you feel like there is a giant knot in your gut that won’t go away.  It’s most certainly something that stops life being as fun as it could be.


But is the stress you are feeling valid?


Well I don’t know you but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say yesYes it is.  Because you can’t control what stresses you – if you did you would most likely put a stop to it so you could stop being stressed.  Stress isn’t like say a teenage-angst depression (rather than the full blown one) where people get, as the song goes, addicted to a certain kind of sadness.  And since you can’t control what stresses you and that stress is particular to you then that stress is valid.  But it can be hard to maintain perspective.


Two pieces in the media last week have made me think about my own stress.  One was a half hour special on the ABC from the show ‘You can’t ask that!’ where they posed questions to former soldiers.  These people have, almost across the board, crippling physical, emotional and psychological impairments and will never be the same from what they went through in service of their country.  Many of them have had their relationships end or otherwise have trouble forming ones to begin with.

The other was a story on JJJ’s Hack program where they had people talking about how with the current state of the rental property market in Australia. To afford a place to rent these people have to sacrifice using the heater, eating properly and so on.  Now that may have been my world when attending Uni (I didn’t use the heater, I sat in a chair with a blanket over me and a hot water bottle between my legs) but then I wasn’t working a 40 hour week with children to support.  Amazing the amount of cold you can ignore while playing Mario Kart 64.

Now compared to those two groups I’ve got it pretty damn good.  Besides a back that plays up from time to time I don’t have any ongoing physical injuries and besides having the odd dream where I am back in high school, where I was constantly beaten up and bullied, I don’t have any emotional or psychological problems.  Financially I’m earning more money than I ever have and am comfortably ahead on my mortgage repayments.  Relationship wise I have the most wonderful wife in the world and our mutual love is never in doubt for a moment for either of us, likewise our love for our kids and theirs for us is rock solid.  Yep, compared to many I’ve got it pretty bloody good…

…yet I’m stressed as hell!

Does this mean my stress is less valid than others?  Well maybe the above groups would see me the same way I reacted to the suicide of Robin Williams a few years ago.  The outpouring of sadness from the public was phenomenal.  My reaction was somewhat different.  All I could think was “He had children – how DARE he kill himself!  When you have kids suicide is off the table, even if they are grown up –  period!  And what was wrong with his life anyway?  A multi-millionaire, internationally famous and beloved – what the f*ck did he have to kill himself over?  I’d kill to have the life he just threw away!”

In retrospect I didn’t know the man personally.  I don’t know what stresses he had in his life, though it was probably more a deep seated depression that caused him to take the action he did.  Just as other groups could look at me and be disgusted at me being stressed considering my relative good fortune, I reacted the same way to him and that was not the right thing to do.  Just because on the surface he had it a lot better than I doesn’t mean the stresses he felt in his life were any less valid.


I don’t want to go in to my own stresses too much.  Suffice it to say I am desperately trying to change careers and am feeling very trapped at my inability to do so due to my lack of experience in other fields.  I’m being turned down for jobs that pay half as much and require more hours yet provide less yearly leave than I get now.  I can’t simply quit my current job as I have a mortgage and bills to pay and a family to support – my actions affect far more than me.  My beautiful daughter still does not sleep properly and there is only one or two nights a week that my wife and I get enough sleep – sleep deprivation really does your head in, especially when it’s been going on for years.  I keep trying and failing at quitting cigarettes, mainly because I am stressed and I smoke when I’m stressed, and the fact I am smoking is making me stress about that too.  There are other stresses in my life but these are probably the big 3.

I try to combat this by thinking of all the good I have.  I have a wonderful wife, 2 beautiful children, a nice house and hobby a farm in the country. My job at least pays well and is reasonably secure.  I’m in no imminent danger of not having food in my belly or a roof over my head.  Does this dwelling on the positives always work? Often but certainly not always.  There are times I’m lying there awake for hours in the middle of the night and all the negatives in my life join forces and become a bit too much.  Those nights the giant knot in my gut rules the roost.

So how does one combat stress?  Well, there are a million experts out there that will give you the answer (and probably charge you a pretty penny for doing so) so I won’t really go into that.  All I can say is do what works for you.  Whether that’s spending time with friends and family, losing yourself in movies and television, having a beer at the end of a long day – it’s what relaxes you.  But, if I had all the answers I wouldn’t be stressed myself.

Sometimes true

So don’t stress that your stress is not valid.  If you are feeling stressed and think you shouldn’t because there are those worse off than you, just remember that there are also people that are better off than you and they get stressed as well.

Now if you excuse me, I’m off to play with my kids and then sit on my veranda and have a beer -that’s what works well for me.


Got something to add or say about the article above?  Would love to read it in the comments section below!