Tag Archives: public

Meet your favorite blogger!

Big Angry Trev is coming to Sydney!


That’s right – everyone favorite blogger will be making a personal appearance at the Penrith Collectormania Toy & Hobby Fair on Sunday October 15th from noon onwards.  Trev will be kissing hands and shaking babies as he meets his adoring public.


For you long time fans, this is your chance to meet your one true hero in the flesh – and win a great prize!

‘I look forward to meeting you almost as much as you look forward to meeting me’


All you have to do is spot me at the fair, come up and introduce yourself with “You Big Beautiful Blogging Bastard You!”


Anyone who introduces themselves in such a fashion will win a photocopied poster from Trev’s infamous 2003 Edinburgh Fringe Festival comedy showThe Many faces of Big (Angry) Trev’.  Trev will not only sign your poster, but you can choose the poster colour – white, yellow, pink, blue or green!


Rare memorabilia ahoy!

 Be the envy of all your friends and family and  prepare to bask in the reflected glory of Big Blogger Trev – at the Penrith Panthers Pavilion on Mulga Road. See you there!



*Any actions taken by Big Angry Trev when meeting him are to be considered purely circumstantial, do not represent BigAngryTrev™  and are therefore not subject to litigation.  *Anything said by Big Angry Trev – be it sexist, homophobic or incredibly racist – does not reflect the views of BigAngryTrev™ and cannot be subject to litigation.  *Any liquids physically excreted by Big Angry Trev can be considered the property of BigAngryTrev™ and should not be ingested by the general public under threat of litigation.